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Apex Arena - Battle D3: Major Dutch Schaefer vs. Frank Martin

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In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked, "Where the f&&k is everyone?" That question led to what is now known as the Fermi Paradox, pondering why humanity has never encountered intelligent life despite the vastness of the universe. But when first contact finally happened, humanity wished the answer had been "nowhere."

The aliens arrived with technology and powers beyond comprehension, annihilating Earth’s defences. Yet, despite their godlike abilities, humanity's defiance intrigued them. Instead of total destruction, the aliens devised a twisted experiment to understand humanity’s unique will to survive.

They chose Earth's 32 fiercest warriors from across time and space, placing them in The Apex Arena—a constantly shifting battleground where only the strongest survive. The prize? The salvation of Earth and a place of honour in the alien archives. 4 groups, 8 fighters in each. Who would stand, and who would fall?

Each warrior stands alone, unaware of their competition, fighting not just for glory, but for the very future of humanity. The Apex Arena has opened its gates. The battle for survival begins now.


Apex Arena - Battle D3: Major Dutch Schaefer vs. Frank Martin

Once again, the Aliens instructed Apex to turn to horror for inspiration. They enjoyed the sense of dread that this could fill even the hardiest of warriors. The Arena complied, plunging Major Dutch Schaefer and Frank Martin into an environment of rotting, undead chaos—a once grand, sprawling shopping mall, now overrun by zombies. The mall, illuminated by flickering, malfunctioning lights, was a nightmarish labyrinth of shattered glass, overturned shelves, and debris-strewn corridors. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the moans of the undead echoed through the hollowed-out halls, growing louder by the second.

Dutch Schaefer stood at the main entrance, his eyes scanning the twisted remnants of consumerism now cloaked in death. His grip tightened on the combat knife he had found, his keen instincts kicking in as he took stock of his surroundings. The mall was vast, with multiple floors, escalators, and hidden corners. Shops were either looted or barricaded, and the flickering signs of luxury brands now hung in eerie silence. But it wasn’t the empty stores or broken glass that caught his attention—it was the movement. Shadows shuffled, groans rose, and the unmistakable figures of the dead began to stagger toward him from the shadows.

Across the mall, Frank Martin materialized on the second floor, emerging from the ruined wreckage of an electronics store. His sharp eyes scanned the balconies, the escalators, and the endless rows of stores beneath him. He could already hear the distant groans of the undead, their aimless hunger calling them to any movement or sound. This place wasn’t just a battleground—it was a graveyard. And it was about to get a lot bloodier.

The zombies were slow but relentless. Dozens of them shuffled toward Dutch from the shadows of a nearby sporting goods store. Their skin was gray and rotting, their clothes tattered, but their hunger remained insatiable. He stepped back, keeping his distance, but he knew they would close in quickly if he didn’t act. Glancing to his left, he spotted an old fire axe propped up against a display stand, just waiting to be used. Without hesitation, Dutch grabbed it, the weight of the weapon familiar in his hands. "Looks like it’s going to be a long night," he muttered, hefting the axe.

On the second floor, Frank moved swiftly but cautiously, his footsteps silent as he stalked around a collapsed section of the mall. A half-destroyed jewellery store lay in ruins ahead, its glass cases shattered, and a display of hunting knives lay scattered on the floor. Frank bent down, grabbing one, his eyes flicking toward the slow-moving horde that had begun to congregate on the escalators. Their lifeless eyes locked onto him, and with a low moan, they started their advance.

The mall was a claustrophobic death trap. Escalators barely functioned, broken glass littered the ground, and the labyrinthine layout of the stores created countless blind spots. Both men knew they weren’t just fighting each other—they were fighting the infected, and the mall itself.

Dutch swung the fire axe with deadly precision, taking out a zombie that had wandered too close. The thing fell with a sickening thud, but two more immediately took its place. The moans grew louder, and Dutch knew he had to keep moving. The aisles were too narrow, too filled with debris for an all-out assault. He needed space—he needed to find a vantage point. But the zombies weren’t making it easy.

Frank moved like a shadow, slipping between debris and using the escalators to his advantage. He vaulted over the railing, landing silently on the first floor, his hunting knife glinting in the faint, flickering light. He could see Dutch now, across the way, the two men separated by a growing horde of zombies.

The two men met for a moment amongst the hordes, and looked into each other’s eyes. An unspoken temporary truce passed between them as they both knew that if they fought now, they would be overrun by the undead. They turned away and tackled the zombies instead, clearing the way for their own battle to come.


Dutch hacked his way through the encroaching undead, his muscles straining as the weight of the axe cleaved through flesh and bone.

Martin ducked behind a shattered storefront after dispatching some zombies with his knife, and used the cover to shield himself from the growing tide. His eyes darted to an old sporting goods store just a few feet away, where he spotted a crossbow displayed in the wreckage. He moved quickly, retrieving the weapon and loading a bolt. The groans of the zombies grew louder, but Frank remained calm. He spun and shot bolt after bolt, each one hitting the zombies directly in the head and dropping them immediately.

Soon Dutch and Martin were the only bodies standing and they turned their attention to each other. They looked around and their eyes each fell on their preferred weapon laying close by. A gentle nod and they each ducked down to retrieve that weapon.

At last – the horde cleared – they launched into the final attack from which only one would survive.


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Learn More About
Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer
Read more about Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer at Wikipedia
Official Site: 20th Century Fox Links: Wikipedia Entry IMDB Link Official Site

Frank Martin (The Transporter)
Read more about Frank Martin (The Transporter) at Wikipedia
Official Site: 20th Century Fox Links: Wikipedia Entry IMDB Profile Official Site

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I'm leaning towards Dutch but I'm not going to discredit Frank by any means. I think it will he a close battle but Dutch has shown to be quite adaptable 

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Another good Apex Arena chapter, Culwych. At first, I was thinking the main conflict would also involve the zombies, and Dutch, having dealt with a Predator, may have had the advantage in dealing with weird creatures. 

As for the match, I'm thinking Frank has the edge in straight-up combat skill, but Dutch himself is damn resilient. I think Martin eventually wins out, but he's going to be pretty banged up afterward. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.40 - DSkillz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
4.90 - Yazmal
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.30 Total Combined Score
19.30 / 4 = 4.83 Final Rating on the match

Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer : 5
Frank Martin (The Transporter): 2

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