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Match 20927 Steve Harrington vs. Satan Man

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In the middle of his shift at Family Video, Steve Harrington stacked a pile of returned tapes. It was Halloween, the one day where he could expect to see a parade of costume-clad kids and teens filing in to rent horror flicks or cult classics. But it was far from busy. Steve leaned against the counter and tapped his fingers absentmindedly, his mind elsewhere.

He had been on a lot of dates recently, too many to count, but none of them felt right. They were fun, sure, but it was all surface-level. Not like what he had with Nancy Wheeler, or even what he has now with Robin. With Nancy, he thought he’d found something deep. And with Robin, well, that was  a different thing altogether. Either way neither of those women were long time relationship prospects and Steve was starting to lose some hope.

Steve sighed. “I don’t know if I can keep doing this.”

He had a date that night with Jenna Whooly. She had gone to the same high school as Steve although they only briefly interacted at the time. She was very pretty, and a sweet girl. He’d run into her last week at Family Video when she came in for a rental. She was visiting home from college, and before he knew it, they were making plans. They had gone on a few dates before tonight and he had agreed to take her to a costume party.  But now, standing there, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go and not just because the last costume party he had attended was when he was still with Nancy, and it didn’t go well.

The phone rang and cut through his thoughts. He picked it up and slipped into customer service mode.

 “Family Video, Steve speaking.”

“Hey, Steve! It’s Jenna,” said a bubbly voice on the other end. “Just calling to make sure we’re still on for tonight!”

Steve forced some enthusiasm. “Yeah, of course! Looking forward to it.”

“Great! I’m so excited. I’ll see you after your shift!” Jenna chirped before hanging up.

Steve set the phone down and exhaled. Maybe he should have called it off. Jenna was great, she was kind and she was definitely into him, but he knew it wouldn’t go anywhere. Then Steve got mad at himself, after all that he had been through the last couple of years, a distracting date with a fun girl on Halloween was probably exactly what he needed. Why was he trying to overcomplicate it. With that, Steve went back to stacking VHS tapes.

Meanwhile, across town, Jenna Whooly practically skipped into her living room. 

"I can't believe I'm dating Steve Harrington!" she said aloud, to no one in particular. “My high school self would've died for this!”

She glanced over at her little brother, Dougie. He was dressed in a little red devil costume and was sitting on the couch, frowning as he flipped through a deck of cards from his favorite game, Satan’s Little Helper. He was clearly upset, and Jenna walked toward him.

“Dougie, what's wrong?” she asked.

Dougie groaned while glaring at his cards. “You’ve been spending all your time with this dumb Steve guy. When you came back we had one movie night, and since then you have ditched me. You’re gonna go back to ollege soon and now you're too busy with him.”

Jenna rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Oh, come on, Dougie. This is a big deal! It's Steve Harrington! You wouldn’t understand."

“You’re right. I don’t understand,” Dougie shot back. “He is just a guy with stupid hair.”

“Don’t be a brat!”

It was silent for a moment.

Jenna extended an olive branch. “Hey, I promise we will find some more time to hang out before I leave.

But Dougie remained unconvinced. He slid off the couch and stormed out the door. Jenna sighed in frustration as she watched him go.

“Hey, I found my old renaissance slut outfit for your party tonight,” Jenna’s mom called out from another room.

“Why do you call it that? It’s just a wench outfit,” Jenna replied.

“Wait to see it, everyone is going to have their eyes on you, Especially Steve.”

This entire exchange with her mom made Jenna a little uncomfortable, still she giggled with excitement.

Dougie kicked at the pavement as he wandered down the street, his mind filled with bitter thoughts about Steve. He wanted things back the way they were before Jenna started spending all her free time with that interloper..

That’s when Dougie saw him. a man, tall and silent, dressed in all black wearing a pale blue mask that looked like Satan himself. With his black horns and red eyes, the man looked almost exactly like the Satan character from Dougie's favorite card game. The man was also fully in character for Halloween. He stood in front of a boarded-up house with the word BOO written out in what appeared to be real blood. There was also a decoration that looked like a real dead person staged on  a couch outside the house.

Dougie stopped in his tracks and stared in awe. The presentation was undeniably impressive.

“Hey!” Dougie called out. 

The man turned slowly, his head tilted to one side to acknowledge the boy. 

Dougie smiled. “You look just like Satan from my card game!  Can I play with you? I will be your servant. I can help you cause mayhem and later you can help me send Steve straight to hell!”

The masked man did not speak, but he nodded.. Dougie grinned..

Back at Family Video, Steve’s shift was almost over when the phone rang again. He answered it, half-expecting another last-minute rental request.

“Family Video, Steve speaking.”

“Steve, it’s Jenna.” Although already in costume, Jenna’s voice was filled with uncertainty.. “I think I might have to postpone or maybe cancel tonight. My little brother, Dougie, stormed out earlier, and we haven’t seen him in hours. My parents are freaking out.”

Steve felt concern and empathy for Jenna. “I’m really sorry to hear that. Want me to help you look for him?”

Jenna hesitated. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He doesn’t like you, and it might just make things worse.”

Steve reflected on his recent past with Dustin, Lucas, and the others. It made him feel confident about being able to help Jenna out.

“Hey, I’m great with kids,” Steve said. “It came as a shock to me too, but trust me, I’ll win him over.”

Jenna sighed but seemed to relax some. “Okay, thanks. I’ll see you soon.”

Steve hung up and grabbed his keys. He was almost positive that this was no big deal and they would find Dougie soon.It had no relation to the Upside-Down. However, he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling creeping up his spine, around this time last year he was battling demodogs.

Dougie and the masked man, Satan, had returned to Dougie’s house after an afternoon of fun antics around Hawkins. Dougie had helped Satan gather supplies and they set fire to a couple of buildings. Satan stabbed anyone who got in their way. It looked so real. Dougie was very impressed. It was the most intricate role-playing game he had ever experienced. Perfect for Halloween. Now as they approached the house with Satan’s arm over Dougie’s shoulder, the young boy was giddy with excitement. They slowed their pace as they crept to the back door.

 “We can set up an ambush for Steve right here,”  Dougie whispered.

 Before they could sneak in, Jenna spotted them.

“Dougie!” she shouted. “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you! Even Steve’s out there looking for you!”

Dougie froze, eyes wide. He hadn’t expected her to find them so quickly. Thinking fast, he gestured to the masked man beside him. 

“Steve found me,” Dougie lied. “We’ve been bonding.”

Jenna blinked in surprise. “Wait, that’s Steve? What kind of costume is that?”

Dougie nodded vigorously. “Isn’t it awesome? The coolest costume you’ve ever seen?”

Satan remained silent as he stood motionless.

“Wow, okay…” Jenna finally said. “You weren’t lying, you really are great with kids, Steve. How did you know he loves Satan so much because of that damn game.” 

Satan remained silent.

“He told me he wants to really embody the character,” said Dougie.

Jenna smiled at Satn. “Well I’ll be, alright then, sir. You can set sail with this wench as soon as I tell the parents that Dougie is back.”

Satan aggressively grabbed Jenna and caressed her back.

“Ooh! You really are getting into character. I hadn’t seen this side to you yet, Steve,” She slowly pulled away from him. “Just give me a few moments and I’m all yours.”

As she disappeared inside, Dougie looked up at the masked man. They exchanged thumbs up. 

 “Steve’s gonna be here any second. We need to get ready. Still haven’t figured out a way to distract my parents so they won’t tip him off. Maybe you’ll think of something.”

The masked man nodded and moved toward the house, pushing open the door with slow deliberation. He disappeared into Dougie’s home.

Dougie waited outside. “I’ll keep lookout!”

Jenna returned to the doorway. “Mom and Dad wanted to thank Steve for bringing you back. We’ll be leaving after that, I’m so glad you two….”

Suddenly, a scream echoed from inside. Jenna spun around, eyes wide. Through the open door, she saw Satan standing over her father, her mother frozen in fear as he brandished a knife.

Jenna screamed in horror. “That’s not Steve!”

Dougie’s face went pale. “This isn’t what I wanted! This isn’t a game?!?”

Steve pulled up to the house just in time to hear Jenna’s scream. His heart pounded as he leapt out of the car and grabbed the nail-studded bat from his trunk. Without thinking, he ran toward the house.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.70 - Yazmal
5.00 - Boratz
4.70 - Pizza Guy

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.40 Total Combined Score
14.40 / 3 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Steve Harrington: 4
Satan Man: 0

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