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Match 20933 Trudy Chacon vs. Rain Ocampo


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Trudy Chacon

Rain Ocampo

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Trudy Chacon sat at the bar, nursing a cold beer. It had been a long week, and she was determined to enjoy her last several days on Earth before her next mission to Pandora. The ambient noise of laughter, conversation, and clinking glasses offered a much appreciated moment of peace.

A guy slid onto the stool next to her. He was a little scruffy, but he had a warm smile. 

“Mind if I sit here?”

Trudy did not look up from her drink. “Free country.”

He ordered a whiskey and glanced over at her. “You don’t look like the average barfly.”

She chuckled. “Going for the opposite approach to ‘come here often’. Interesting.”

“Just making an observation. I have a great talent for reading people.”

“Is that right?”

“Of course,” The man smiled. “ Also, I frequent this locale and I haven’t seen you around before.”

Trudy looked at him and returned his smile

“What do you do?” he asked.

Trudy took a moment to decide if she wanted to engage further. She decided to see where this went so she leaned back a little bit. “Used to be a Marine pilot. Now, I fly for RDA. Security operations. Nothing glamorous.”

The man blinked, clearly taken aback. “RDA, huh? Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Why?”

The man’s expression had completely changed. “Must be fate that we met in this bar.”

Trudy shook her head. “Really, you’re going with that?  You were doing pretty well.”

He laughed awkwardly. “No, no. I don’t mean it  like that. Honestly, it feels like divine intervention.  I’ve been looking for help for days, for someone, anyone, who would listen to me. I came in here tonight because I had all but given up and wanted to drown in my sorrows.”

Trudy furrowed her brow and took another sip of her beer. “What’re you talking about?”

The man’s tone was serious. “You ever heard of the Umbrella Corporation?”

“Sure, I’ve heard of ‘em. RDA competes with them sometimes. Not directly, but they're always lurking in the shadows.” She eyed him curiously. “Why?”

“They’ve been working on something… something bad. They’re planning to unleash it soon. World domination stuff, you know? And no one’s paying attention because everyone’s too busy staring up at the stars, dreaming about places like Pandora.”

Trudy snorted. “Look, buddy, if you’ve got a conspiracy theory, I’m not the one to tell it to. You need to find a tabloid writer.”

The man’s resolute expression did not change. “This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s the truth, and they need to be stopped.”

Trudy regarded him with confusion, but then she softened. “If you are convinced that this is a real threat you need to tell the authorities.”

“I have. They won’t listen. Umbrella has their claws in deep, intimidating people at every level. That’s why I was so glad to meet someone connected to the RDA. They might be the only organization, government or otherwise, with the guts to do something about it.”

She rolled her eyes. “I think you’re confused on what the RDA is, sure we deal with defense but policing a pharmaceutical company is not our job. Even if the higher ups were interested in looking into Umbrella, that call wouldn’t come from me.”

“Of course, forgive me. It was wrong of me to throw so much at you from nowhere. You must think I’m a real weirdo now. I’m a little embarrassed.” The man stood up from his stool. “But really I’m just a concerned citizen.” He sighed and placed some cash on the bar counter. “Have a good evening.”

The man walked to the bar entrance with a dejected expression upon his face. Trudy felt a pang of sympathy for the man.

Wait. Look, I guess it couldn’t hurt to ask around. See what my people know.”

He smiled gratefully. “That’s all I could hope for. Thank you.”

Back on base, Trudy casually brought up the Umbrella Corporation during a team meeting, expecting nothing to come of it. She did not really want to pursue it, but she wanted to be a woman of her word. The reactions to her questions were mixed, some shrugged, others muttered about rumors they’d heard of the virological experiments they were doing after working with the military. Trudy casually mentioned the rumor she had heard at the bar, it was met with the expected skepticism but not outright dismissal. To her surprise it didn’t end there. The rumor climbed the chain of command, and soon, the top brass of the RDA had a closed door meeting to discuss the possibility. It was decided that it was worth looking into, not from any altruistic motivation but from the belief that the Umbrella Corporation was developing weapons for the military and the RDA were interested in crippling their competition in the military arms sales race. The decision was also made to put Trudy in charge of the operation so that they could deny involvement and pin it all on her should things go sideways..

Trudy was assigned to fly a team to a remote island where one of Umbrella’s research labs was located. The mission felt off to her from the start, but orders were orders.

As her team loaded up weapons onto the Samson 16, Trudy frowned. “Why the heavy artillery? This is just a recon mission.”

One of the men shrugged. “Can’t be too careful. Umbrella’s shady. Pun intended. They have their own special ops forces. Could be walking into a hornet’s nest.”

Trudy agreed reluctantly, sensing that this was bigger than what she'd signed up for. “Alright, let’s keep it tight. We get in, intimidate a few scientists, figure out if they’re hiding anything, then we’re out.”

A few hours later the Samson 16 touched down a couple of miles to the lab tucked away in the jungle. Trudy and her unit geared up and approached it with caution. The lab was eerily quiet when they arrived, a few people in lab coats milled around, but the place seemed deserted.

“Stay sharp,” Trudy warned, the uneasy feeling in her gut grew stronger.

Suddenly, gunfire erupted from the shadows. A squad of Umbrella Special Forces emerged from hidden positions, firing on her team. The ambush was swift, brutal. Trudy’s unit was able to dish out just as much as they took and one by one, her team  and the ambush team fell until only Trudy was left, pinned behind the cover of a research table

A woman’s voice echoed through the room. “You can stop now, Trudy. You’re the last one.”

Trudy looked over the table, stunned to see the woman stepping out from the darkness. It was like looking in a mirror, a dark-haired woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to herself.. 

The woman smirked. “Surprised?”

“What the hell…?”

The woman laughed. “The name is Rain Ocampo.”

In actuality it was a clone of the original Special Forces commando.

“How did you know my name? I don’t know what’s going on here, but it was a mistake to come,” said Trudy. 

“Not at all. You’re exactly where you are supposed to be.”

Trudy’s mind raced. “What are you talking about?”

Rain kept her weapon casually aimed at Trudy. “That guy at the bar you met? He works for Umbrella. His whole job was to get you here. And here you are.”

“You wanted to lure me here?” Trudy asked as she clenched her fists around her rifle. “Why, why me?”

“Umbrella has big plans, Trudy. And those plans include gathering some technology from that planet you guys are so fascinated by.” Rain walked closer to Trudy’s position. “That’s my mission. To eliminate you and assume your life for a while. Just long enough to hitch a ride to Pandora and smuggle back what we need.”

“That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever heard,” Trudy snapped back. “Even if you could kill me, you wouldn’t be able to just convince other people you’re me, no matter how much we look alike.

Rain smirked. “You have no idea what Umbrella is capable of. But it doesn’t matter, you won’t live long enough to worry about it.”

With a quick motion, Trudy shot back at Rain, who went for cover. “I’m not dying here.”

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Oh, wow! I had completely forgotten that I added Trudy Chacon to the site all those years ago.

Anyway, I think Trudy could win her first match here.

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