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Match 20936 Echo (Marvel Comics) vs. Norman Nordstrom


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Echo (Marvel Comics)

Norman Nordstrom

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Echo placed the final speaker in the corner of Norman Nordstrom’s living room.  She had slowly and silently moved through the darkened house, making sure that each speaker was in position and the old man’s dog was fast asleep from the tranquilizers she slipped in his food.  The assassin focused on the job at hand to keep her annoyance with this mission out of her mind.  She would have preferred to stay in New York at Wilson Fisk’s side.  But she had been sent to deal with a problem that the Detroit locals claimed they couldn’t handle on their own. 


“3 of my people went into that man’s house to hide from the cops, right?  Two of them are in the morgue, and the other left the city.” 

Echo remembered sitting at a bar table with Kazi staring at a rather unimpressive-looking drug dealer. 

“Before he left, Dre was going on and on about how this blind guy managed to kill them!  Said he even managed to shoot Paulie with his own gun!  Now I got people too scared to go a block near that house!” 

The dealer looked over to Kazi, who had been translating the conversation to ASL for Echo.  “If your girl is as good as I hear she is…” 

Echo swiftly grabbed the dealer by the collar and yanked him to face her.  Kazi smirked as the dealer’s eyes widened, staring face to face with the assassin.  “She wants you to talk to her, not to me.  Understand?”  The dealer nodded rapidly.  “Yeah, yeah, sure!  I understand!  No disrespect uh… ma’am?” 

Echo shoved him back into his seat.  The dealer adjusted his coat and took a deep breath to steady himself.  “Look, I’m really grateful that… your boss sent you to help me out here.  Once that old man is gone, my people will go back to work and New York will get it’s money, you know?  So, are you in?” 

After waiting a moment to let the dealer sweat a little more, Echo signed her response and Kazi answered.  “Tell your people to stay clear of the house tonight.  I will take care of your problem.” 


Echo had done her research on the ‘blind guy’.  Norman Nordstrom, veteran of the Gulf War.  Lost his wife and unborn child in a traffic accident.  Had spent the following years living as a recluse in this house with only his Rottweiler for company.  Clearly he hadn’t forgotten his Army training, and Echo knew all to well that just because one sense was gone didn’t mean that he wasn’t just as dangerous. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a faint but familiar smell.  Echo slowly turned around to see the Rottweiler sitting in the doorway a few feet from her.  She cursed herself.  She must not have used enough of the drug to knock him out.  The dog cocked his head in curiosity as Echo reached for a tranquilizer dart on her belt.  She saw the dog silently growl and bark at her, then charge for her with teeth bared.  She hurled the dart and struck the dog right on the neck. 

Shadow yipped in pain and stumbled to the wood floor.  The voice of his owner soon rang through the house.  “Shadow?  What is it, Shadow?!” 

Even if Echo couldn’t hear the voice, she knew that the noise of the dog would have woken up Norman.  She moved to the far corner of the living room as the blind man lurched through the doorway.  “Shadow?  Where are you, boy?” 

Norman’s senses scanned the room.  He could hear Shadow’s whines as the tranquilizer again took effect.  And just beneath that sound, Norman could hear the faint creek of wood in the room. 

“Who… who’s there?” 

Echo pressed a button on her phone, and instantly the speakers she had placed starting blaring white noise.  Norman spun around in confusion and Echo leapt from the shadows with a hunting knife.  Instinctively Norman dropped down, causing Echo to miss with her strike.  Echo sprawled onto the floor and Norman grabbed hold of her wrist.  Echo quickly latched on with an armbar and pulled back as hard as she could.  Norman snarled in pain but fought through it to stand to his feet.  With a roar he heaved Echo off the ground, his arm still caught in her hold, and swung the assassin into the wall.  The blow to the head caused Echo to release her hold and drop to the floor, and Norman scrambled through the room towards the source of the white noise.  He knew every inch of his house and his hands quickly managed to find the speaker perched on a chest of drawers. 

“Clever little girl, aren’t you?”   Norman slammed the speaker on the chest over and over until it was reduced to fragments.  The noise continued on as it poured out from other speakers Echo had placed.  Echo rose to her feet and Norman used the sound to focus to where she was standing.  “How many of these toys have you put in my house?  Answer me!” 

Echo remained silent and held her knife at the ready.  Norman stood ready to deal with his attacker.  “Alright, don’t talk.  I’ll deal with your noisemakers.  And then I’m going to make you see what I see.” 



Pre-Hawkeye version of Echo. 

Pre-Don’t Breathe version of Norman. 

Echo has 5 more speakers to disorient Norman scattered around the house, plus her own weapons. 

Last person standing wins. 

Game On! 

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