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Rumble 20930 Sterling Archer vs. Dinocroc
Sterling Archer: 2
Dinocroc: 1

Rumble 20929 Luuke Skywalker vs. Captain "Rex" RX-24 vs. Selena Repulsa
Luuke Skywalker: 1
Captain \"Rex\" RX-24: 3
Selena Repulsa: 2

Saeko Busujima vs. Juliet Starling
Saeko Busujima: 2
Juliet Starling: 1

Steve Harrington vs. Satan Man
Steve Harrington: 4
Satan Man: 0

Rumble 20925 Muscles Mouse vs. Lex Luthor (Crime Syndicate Earth) vs. The Four Horsemen (WCW/NWA)
Muscles Mouse: 2
Lex Luthor (Crime Syndicate Earth): 1
The Four Horsemen (WCW/NWA): 1

Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)


You Be The Judge
Vote for who you would think would win

The Mad Doctor


Mother (Sanitarium)


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The Doctor might actually like the Mother from Sanitarium, as both love to mutate other beings into monsters.

The Mother however, not so much, he is an adult and she isn't too fond of them, ontop of that she doesn't share her interest in transmutating people into animals.

Loona would probably beat both however without too much trouble if she really tried.

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