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The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

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Match 20944 Silk vs. Lillith Aensland


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Lillith Aensland

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Cindy Moon adjusted the brim of her pointy black hat as she scanned the bustling party. Paper bats swung lazily from the ceiling, and faux cobwebs adorned the walls. The Agents of Atlas’ Halloween bash was in full swing, and it was the kind of event Cindy preferred as it was casual with no high-stakes drama

Cindy wove through a crowd of colleagues after she spotted Peter Parker in the corner.

"Wow, really?" Cindy said with a smirk.

She eyed his old worn-out, homemade Spider-Man suit. 

"That’s your costume? Not even a different theme for the holiday? If you were going to stick with Spider suits I’m sure you could have gotten some better ideas during our time in the Spiderverse.”

Peter shrugged. “Hey, I came for the laid-back vibe. That’s why I accepted Jimmy Woo’s invitation. It’s not a mutant fashion show like the Hellfire Gala or one of those recruitment drives disguised as a fun party that the Avengers like to throw.”

Cindy laughed. “True. I’d probably have a breakdown trying to mingle with those crowds. Also, no Wanda glaring daggers at my witch costume for being ‘thematically problematic.’” 

Cindy twirled her broomstick prop with a grin.

Peter leaned against the wall. "So... a witch, huh? I thought you'd go full spider-themed too. Something personal with the outfit?"

"Well," Cindy admitted, "there’s this old folklore thing. Spiders and witches have been linked in stories forever, right? But honestly, I just thought it looked cool.”

Their conversation was interrupted when Morrigan Aensland glided toward them with magnetic grace. Her green hair swayed and her purple and black wings fluttered slightly with each step. She appeared to be floating and walking simultaneously. Morrigan immediately locked eyes with Peter, but did not speak.

Cindy tilted her head. “I don’t recognize her. You know her?” She lowered her voice and added, “She’s... really committing to that succubus outfit.”

Morrigan overheard Cindy’s comment and smirked. "That’s no costume, dear."

Peter blinked in recognition. "Morrigan?! What—what are you doing here?"

Cindy shot him a confused look. "Wait, you do know her?"

Morrigan’s lips curled into a sultry smile. "Peter and I have crossed paths a few times. Always...  a memorable experience for us both."

Peter’s face turned bright red and he caught a suspicious look from Silk. "Not like that! It’s not what you think, Cindy."

Cindy put up her hands. “Hey, it’s none of my business.”

Morrigan chuckled. She clearly enjoyed his discomfort. “Such modesty, Spider-Man. A rare trait these days.”

“Seriously, though,” Peter said, attempting to shift the conversation, “what brings you to New York?”

Morrigan’s teasing demeanor faded, and her expression turned serious. “Jedah Dohma attacked me. He released Lilith from within me again. I’m no longer whole.”

"Lilith? And... what do you mean by 'not whole'?" asked Peter.

Morrigan sighed. "Lilith is a fragment of my soul. A piece of me that was split off and given her own form. If I don’t reabsorb her, I’ll remain incomplete and vulnerable. But that’s not the worst part: Lilith is terrified of being reabsorbed. She fled here, to your human world, to New York, to escape me."

Cindy folded her arms. "So what exactly are you?”

“I’m a darkstalker, honey, but there isn’t much time to explain.” Morrigan fixed her gaze on Peter and moved in closs. "I knew if anyone could find her in this city, it’d be you. I thought... perhaps we could have one of our little adventures again."

Cindy raised an eyebrow at Peter, but he quickly shook his head. "Not what it sounds like, I swear."

Morrigan continued, "I need help. I can’t get close to Lilith myself. She’ll sense me and run. Not to mention I’m dealing with challenges to my throne from both Jedah and Demitri now. I can’t afford to stay here long."

Peter scratched the back of his neck. “Okay, I get it. You want my help to track down Lilith.”

“Yes. If you can capture her, I can take her back and restore myself.”

Cindy tapped her chin thoughtfully. "But... if she was a part of you, wouldn’t she recognize Peter from your ‘adventures together’ and avoid him just as much?"

This possibility hadn’t occurred to Morrigan before now. “You raise up a good point. I doubt even a change in costume would prevent her from recognizing him, it didn’t stop me.”

“How did you recognize him?” asked Cindy. “How did you even find us?”

Morrigan’s smile returned. “There is a magnetic pull that brings us together. It could be a succubus thing. Think of it like... an invisible thread connecting us. You two have it too, you know. I can sense it.”

Cindy gave a wry smile of her own. "Yeah, we call that ‘being bitten by the same radioactive spider.’ But we handle it professionally."

Morrigan gave a knowing chuckle but said nothing.

Peter cleared his throat. "So, it seems that Cindy... you are probably the best shot we’ve got at tracking down Lilith. Can you do me this favor?"

Cindy sighed.. “Fine. But what am I walking into? What should I expect?”

"Lilith looks like a younger version of me. She’s got short lavender hair and red wings,” explained Morrigan. “She’s mischievous and playful, but don’t be fooled, she is a good fighter and can drain souls through physical contact just like me. She will want to toy with you before she strikes."

“Oh, great.”

Peter placed a hand on Cindy’s shoulder. "You’ve got this. Just... be careful, okay?"

“Of course.”

Morrigan glanced at Peter. “So then while she is doing that, will you return my world with me and help me defend my throne?”

Peter nodded.

Cindy gave him a playful smirk. "You be careful too, Romeo. Keep your wits about you.”

“Always,” replied Peter. 

Morrigan smiled approvingly at Cindy. "I trust Peter’s judgment, so I am trusting you. I’m depending on you. My kingdom’s fate may lie in your hands and your ability to subdue Lilith. Good luck."

“I’ve got this.”

With that, Cindy excused herself and slipped away to a quieter part of the room. She changed into her Silk outfit. Moments later, she was swinging through the chilly New York night, weaving between buildings with precision. It was not how she was expecting her night to go and she was still unsure about Morrigan herself. Yet, she was doing this for Peter. 

The streets below were surprisingly quiet, Cindy’s sharp eyes scanned every alley, every rooftop for a sign of her target.And then, near a dimly lit park, Silk spotted her. Lilith. The succubus hovered above a trio of unconscious civilians. She glowed with a faint, ethereal light as she drained their life force. She looked almost childlike, but her innocent appearance was betrayed by the malevolent glint in her eyes.

Silk landed silently on a nearby rooftop and crouched low. "Okay, Cindy. You got this."

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This is an interesting match up.

As Lilith is only one third of Morrigan Aensland and her power, she poses something of a threat to Silk. However... as evident in her canonical narrative in Darkstalkers 3, Lilith cannot maintain her form too long away from Jedah or Morrigan. And too much usage of her power contributes to this weakness.

Silk, while not as experienced as Peter, already has racked up a considerable quality of experience such as fighting Morlun and the Inheritors.

Based on what I know... I am going with Silk.

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