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The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 20948 Esmeralda (Disney) vs. Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)


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Esmeralda (Disney)

Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

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Once upon a time, the wielders of magic looked across the expanse of time and space between their kingdoms.  They were Yen Sid, Merlin, the Genies, the Fairies, and the other great magicians, wizards, and witches.  By combing their powers, they set about establishing several smaller realms between the kingdoms.  They were a collection of castles and lands that would allow people from different kingdoms to gather and explore together.  One castle in particular became known as the retreat for the princesses, a place where they could get away from the stress of ruling their kingdoms.  For many years, the princesses would come to relax and enjoy their fellowship, and all was well.  Until one day… 


A full moon hung above the dimly lit castle.  Jack-o-‘lanterns lined the path that led to the gates and cobwebs covered the trees in the orchard.  From the grounds you could just barely see a flickering light from a window in one of the towers.  Within the tower, Ariel and Jane sat enraptured as Belle stood before them telling a story.  Jasmine looked unimpressed as she leaned on the couch with her arms folded. 

“The two princesses advanced slowly towards their princes, fangs bared!  The bodies of the stepmother and stepsisters lay twitching on the ground.  The princes knew that soon they would rise again, as creatures of night! As vampires!” 

“Oh really!” Jasmine interrupted.  “Why wouldn’t the princes just run away and get out of the castle?” 

“Shh!  Let her tell the story!” whispered Ariel.  “It’s just getting good!  Right, Jane?” 

“Hmm?  Oh yes, it is,” Jane gulped. 

Ariel grinned.  “What’s the matter?  It isn’t too scary for you, is it?” 

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Ariel.  It’s just… rather chilly up here.” 

“I still don’t know why we had to be up here to listen to a story,” said Jasmine, glancing around the dusty room.  “We could have just listened to this in the library.” 

“Oh don’t be a guppy, Jasmine!  Up here is so much more… mysterious and… what’s the word?  Spooky!” 

“Ahem.  Excuse me, ladies.”  The three turned to face Belle with her hands on her hips.  “Do you want to hear the end of this story?  Because if you’d rather talk about how ‘spooky’ the room is…” 

“Aw come on, Belle!” said Ariel.  “Finish the story!” 

“Yes,” said Jane, taking a breath.  “I want to hear it too.” 


Jasmine shrugged.  “Well, I still think it’s a silly story, but go ahead, Belle.” 

Belle nodded and raised her hands out towards the princesses as she continued her tale in a dramatic, ‘spooky’ voice. 

“As I was about to say, the princes were frozen with fear!  They stood transfixed at the sight of the women they loved transformed into monsters, hungry for their blood!  The stepmother and stepsisters joined the princesses and surrounded the two men!  There was nowhere to run!  The vampires drew closer and closer.  And then…!” 

The one candle that lit the room blew out.  All four princesses screamed and leapt to the couch.  They cowered for a moment, allowing them to hear the sound of a match being struck.  They looked up to see Cinderella, standing at the door holding the re-lit candlestick.  Snow White stood behind her peeking into the room.  Cinderella smiled down on her frightened friends. 

“Well, well.  I thought I saw you four sneaking up here.  Having fun getting into the… ‘spirit’ of things, are we?” 

The other princesses laughed sheepishly as they got up from behind the couch.  “The… the wind blew out the candle,” said Jane adjusting her skirts.  “It… surprised us.” 

“I knew you were scared!” said Ariel. 

“You didn’t waste time hiding either, Miss Guppy,” said Jasmine. 

“It must have been quite a scary story,” said Snow White.  “What was it about?” 

Belle nervously looked to the floor.  “I… guess it was kind of about you and Cinderella.” 

“Ha!” laughed Jasmine.  “That was what was so ridiculous about it!  Snow and Cinderella as vampires!” 

“But it was still a good story!” said Ariel.  “It’s not like it really happened, right?” 

Snow White and Cinderella shared a look.  Snow White sighed.  “Well, it sort of did.” 

Jane’s eyes widened.  “It did?!”

“Oh, come on!” said Jasmine. 

“It’s true, Jasmine,” said Cinderella.  “Remember when we went to help out Al and Andel with another one of their contests?”* 


*If you don’t, read about it here! 

Match 20779 Snow White vs. The Crypt Keeper - CBUB Rated Matches - The Comic Book Universe Battles


“I was invited to help with a game they had arranged,” explained Snow White.  “Cinderella got caught up in it and… things became… complicated.” 

Ariel grasped the couch in shock.  “You… you really became vampires?!” 

“Only for a couple of hours,” Cinderella chuckled.  “Al and Andel’s friend Mercy used her magic to cure me and Snow before we could hurt anyone.  We’re perfectly fine now.”  She gave a mischievous look and turned to Snow White.  “However, I must admit to feeling a little hungry.  What do say, Snow?  Would you care for… a bite?” 

Ariel and Jane laughed as Snow White took a step back from Cinderella.  “Cindy, stop it!  I’d rather not talk or even think about the Crypt Keeper, his house, or… anything that happened there ever again.” 

“Alright, Snow.”  Cinderella turned back to the princesses.  “Now as for you four.  You had better get downstairs.  Tomorrow is Halloween, and we still have a lot to do before our trick ‘r treaters show up.  We still need to decorate the ballroom, the grounds, and you still need to set up your booths.” 

“Our Boooooo-ths,” chuckled Ariel to Jasmine.  Jasmine rolled her eyes and headed for the door.  “It’s fine, Cinderella.   I for one have had enough of scary stories for one night.” 

The four made their way out of the room.  Snow White glanced back at Cinderella.  “Do you really think we’re ‘cured’, Cinderella?  I can’t stand the thought of us hurting our friends.”  Cinderella gave Snow White a hug.  “Relax, Snow.  We’re fine.  Mercy checked and double checked.  We aren’t going to hurt anybody.  Now lets help our friends set up for tomorrow.”  Snow White nodded and turned to go out the door.  As Cinderella was following her, a strange bolt of light shot through the open window.* 


*If you wish to know where this bolt came from, read about it here!

Match 20931 Mortal Kombat Universe and Mira Nova and Sabine Wren vs. Street Sharks and Katie Ka-Boom and Eris (Sinbad) - CBUB Rated Matches - The Comic Book Universe Battles


It struck Cinderella in the back, making her jump.  Cinderella glanced around the room, not knowing what happened.  Was it just a sudden breeze from the open window?  She felt a chill, but it had passed. 

“Cindy?  Are you alright?” 

Cinderella shook off the feeling of unease and hurried to the door.  “Yes, yes, Snow.  I’m… fine.” 


The ballroom buzzed with activity.  The princesses and the castle servants hurried to put the finishing touches on the Halloween decorations.  Snow White took a moment to examine the stage where Esmeralda was practicing her magic act.  She toss a pouch of powders that exploded when it hit the stage.  When the smoke had cleared, Esmeralda had vanished. 

“Neat trick, huh?” 

Snow White nearly jumped out of her skin when Esmeralda’s voice suddenly came behind her.  She turned to watch her deliver a bow.  “Oh!  Oh, it’s really wonderful, Esmeralda!  It was quite nice of you and the other Romani to join our festival.” 

Esmeralda looked confused.  “Romani?  What’s a Romani?” 

“Why, you are, of course!  It’s nicer than calling you a… a… well…” 

“Well, what?”  Esmeralda glared at the nervous princess.  “I’m a ‘what’ exactly?” 

“I’m sorry!  I didn’t think you’d be offended!  I mean I thought you would be offended if we called you… but if you are when I…” 

The sight of Esmeralda’s playful smile stopped Snow White’s apology.  She sighed.  “Very funny, Esmeralda.” 

“Relax, Snow,” Esmeralda chuckled.  “My people have called themselves gypsies for as long as I can remember.  But if you would like to call them Romani, I don’t mind.  As long as you promise to cheer good and loud when my act starts tomorrow.” 

Snow White gave a small smile.  “I just hope it all goes well.  Everyone’s working so hard to make the castle just right for our young guests.” 

Esmeralda extended her hand.  “Well, there’s one way to be sure.  Give me your hand.” 

Snow White slowly offered her hand in confusion.  Esmeralda held it and traced her palm.  “I see that your party will a tremendous success.  I see you having a wonderful time.” 

“Oh, Esmeralda,” laughed Snow White.  “You can’t really read palms, can you?” 

“Of course I can!  I am a true Romani, aren’t I?  We learn how to read palms before we…” 

Esmeralda’s banter faltered to a halt.  Snow White could see the concern on her face.  “Esmeralda?  What is it?  What’s wrong?” 

Esmeralda stared at Snow White’s palm for a moment, then shook her head and let go.  “It’s nothing.  You just focus on relaxing and enjoying your party.  I need to get back to practice.” 

Servants whispered among themselves as Sally walked across the ballroom to Snow White.  She approached her as Esmeralda climbed back onto the stage. 

“Snow White?  I’m been looking everywhere for Cinderella.  A new batch of cobwebs has arrived from Halloween Town, along with several cauldrons of witches brew.  Was she wanting them in the ballroom or in the gardens?” 

“What?  Oh, sorry, Sally.  I have no idea where Cinderella has gone.  Wait here.  I’ll see if she’s still upstairs.” 

But as Snow White turned to go, she failed to notice Sally wince and hold her head.  Jane hurried to the ragdoll’s side.  “Sally?  It is Sally, isn’t it?  Are you alright?” 

Sally opened her eyes and gasped.  For in her eyes she didn’t see Jane as she was, but with wild hair, bloodshot eyes, and fangs ready to strike.  Sally fell backfirst into the stage. 

“Sally!  What is it?” 

Esmeralda stepped away from her rehearsal and leapt off the stage to Sally.  She took hold of the groaning doll by the shoulders.  “Sally, can you hear me?  It’s Esmeralda, remember?  Cinderella introduced us to each other so we could work on the festival together.” 

Sally opened her eyes and glanced back and forth between Esmeralda and Jane.  “I… I’m sorry.  Where… where’s Cinderella?” 

“Never mind, Cinderella, dear,” said Jane.  “I don’t know if um ragdolls get tired, but maybe it might be good if you sat down for a minute.  You’ll run yourself ragged.  Oh!  If you’ll pardon the expression.” 

“There’s no time!”  Sally snapped.  She pushed past Esmeralda and Jane and bolted for the entrance to the ballroom.  “I just had another vision!  Something terribles going to happen!  I must find Cinderella before it’s too late!” 

“Sally!  Come back!” 

But the ragdoll was long gone.  Esmeralda leaned against the stage.  “What’s gotten into her?” 


“Cinderella!  Cindy?” 

Snow White peeked into Cinderella’s room, finding the princess sat at her vanity and staring at a mirror. 

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.  The ballroom is a mess!  I’ll be surprised if we get everything done in time for tomorrow.” 

“It doesn’t matter.” 

Snow White froze at Cinderella’s sullen sounding voice.  Cinderella didn’t move or even look at her. 

“How can you say that, Cindy?  You’ve been preparing for this night for months!  The children…” 

“Will get a party.  Just not the one the were expecting.” 

Snow White took a step forward.  “Cindy?  Are you feeling alright?” 

“Oh, I feel marvelous, Snow.  Just marvelous.  I never thought I would feel this way again.  But there’s one thing that disappoints me.  My face.  I had such a pretty face.” 

“And you still do, Cindy!”  Snow White knelt down next to Cinderella’s chair.  “You are still very beautiful.” 

Cinderella slowly turned to look at Snow White.  “And that’s the trouble.  Because now I will never be able to look at it.  See?” 

Snow White finally got a good look at the mirror and her blood ran cold.  She could see her reflection in the glass, but not Cinderella’s.  She looked back just in time to see Cinderella show her fangs and lunge for her neck.    

The sound of Snow White’s scream caused Sally to increase her speed up the stairs.  “Snow!  Cinderella!  Don’t!”  She raced around a corner and burst into Cinderella’s room.  Sally stared in shock as Cinderella stood grinning at her, trails of blood dripping from her mouth onto her dress.  Snow White was slowly rising off the floor with a blank look in her eyes. 

“No,” Sally quietly breathed.  “I’m too late.” 

“Cindy, how did the doll know?” said Snow dully. 

“I can smell some magic in this one, Snow,” said Cinderella.  “Perhaps she had a vision telling her what was to come.  Ha!  For all the good it will do.” 

“Snow, Cindy.  Please, let me help you,” said Sally, backing away as the two vampiric princesses advanced.  “I don’t know how this happened, but if you would let me take you both to Halloween Town I promise we can fix you both!” 

“Fix?  Why you little, foolish doll!” Cinderella sneered.  “You, a citizen of Halloween Town, think we need fixing?  Don’t you think we are better this way?” 

“No, I don’t!” said Sally.  “Neither of you were meant to be like this!  What about your princes?  Your friends?” 

“I’d like to see our friends, Cindy.  Can we see our friends?”  Snow White’s face began to become more threatening and animalistic.  “Of course, Snow,” Cinderella soothed.  “We’ll see all of our friends.”  She glared at Sally.  “But as for this one.  This doll has no blood for us.  So I suppose we’ll need another way to dispose of her.  Rip her to shreds!” 

Snow White hissed and leaped at Sally, snatching her wrist.  Sally quickly pulled a loose thread causing her hand to come off her arm.  Snow White fell back into Cinderella and Sally bolted out of the room.  The ragdoll’s hand writhed in Snow White’s grasp until it sprang loose and chased after it’s owner.  “After her!” screeched Cinderella. 

“Everyone!” Sally yelled as she ran down the stairs and towards the ballroom.  “We have to get out of here now!” 

“Sally, what’s going on?” Jasmine asked. 

“It’s probably just Halloween joke again,” said Ariel. 

“Please!  This isn’t a game!  You are all in danger…!” 

With a piercing wail, the vampire princesses flew into the ballroom.  Servants and princesses screamed and ran for their lives.  Sally ducked down, causing Snow White to miss her and fly straight into Ariel.  The mermaid could only scream as Snow White’s fangs did their work. 

“ARIEL!” Belle cried.  Jasmine grabbed her hand and ran with her to the doors that led to the cellar.  “Belle, we’ve got to go!  Now!” 

Jane stood frozen at the stage wall as Cinderella advanced on her.  “Please, Cindy!  Your highness!  It’s me!  Jane!” 

“Oh, I remember you!” Cinderella hissed.   “And you’ll remember this night for eternity!” 


A wooden pole wielded by Esmeralda cracked Cinderella in the face.  Esmeralda stood on the stage and offered the end of the pole to Jane.  “Grab on!”  Jane took hold of the pole and was yanked onto the stage before Cinderella could grab her.  “Follow me!” Esmeralda ushered Jane towards the curtains at the back of her stage as Cinderella recovered. 

Sally watched in amazement as the ballroom fell into chaos.  The vampiric Ariel and Snow White stood on either side of her.  She pulled out a jar from her pouch.  “Oo! What’s that, doll?” Ariel snickered.  “Unless it’s some garlic you can’t escape us!” sneered Snow White. 

“Sorry, no garlic,” said Sally, holding the jar above her head.  “How about some Frog’s Breath?” 

She smashed the jar on the ground, releasing a frog that belched a powerful stench.  Ariel and Snow White choked and gasped for air, allowing Sally to dash out of the ballroom. 

“Find them!” ordered Cinderella.  “Find them all!  Take their blood and make them like us!  Any that resist, let them rot!  This will be a Halloween they will never forget!” 



Esmeralda has her skills and props. 

Sally has her Halloween Town knowledge and potions. 

Who will be the ‘Final Girl’, surviving and stopping the vampire outbreak? 

Game On!  And Happy Halloween! 

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Learn More About
Esmeralda (Disney)
Read more about Esmeralda (Disney) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Disney Links: Wikipedia Disney Wiki wordlingo

Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Read more about Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Touchstone Pictures Links: Sally Wikipedia page TNBC Wikipedia page TNBC imdb page

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Vampirism spreading through the Disney Princesses? Great work, Broadway. Enjoyed it. At first blush, Sally seems more in line with this sort of situation, but it's hard to not be impressed with Esmeralda's ability to get out of sticky situations. She has the improvisation needed; I'm going with her. 

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Fun idea, and I like that you highlighted two of the lesser known Disney Princess-adjacent characters. Pretty well written and in season set up .

As for the match, I think Sally has a lot of advantages. She has experience with vampires, and can detach her limbs to do tasks remotely. Plus she has vague clairvoyant powers which might be helpful is can brew makeshift potions in a pinch. She's less physically inclined but she's also probably immune to being turned I would think, right?

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Glad I got to this in time. I just wish that it didn't occur to me to catch this in the wee hours of the morning, though. :D 

Anyways, good set-up and Halloween story, broadway. You have all the Disney ladies in-character (at least until some of them were turned, lol), and you managed to make the match canon to your Battlesphere arc. 

As for the match, just two years ago I barely would've known a thing about Disney's Esmeralda. I've since seen Hunchback of Notre Dame, though, so I know that she's pretty damn capable in a pinch. I also know about Sally and what she can do, and I'm thinking she may be a bit more in her element being a Halloweentown resident. While Esmeralda could probably evade the Disney Princess vampires a little longer, it's possible that Sally could come up with a potion or something that could distract or even cure the victims. 

So, just by a nose, Sally may be the final girl here. 

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