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Apex Arena - Battle C4: Leon the Professional vs Lara Croft


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Leon the Professional

Lara Croft

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In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked, "Where the f&&k is everyone?" That question led to what is now known as the Fermi Paradox, pondering why humanity has never encountered intelligent life despite the vastness of the universe. But when first contact finally happened, humanity wished the answer had been "nowhere."

The aliens arrived with technology and powers beyond comprehension, annihilating Earth’s defences. Yet, despite their godlike abilities, humanity's defiance intrigued them. Instead of total destruction, the aliens devised a twisted experiment to understand humanity’s unique will to survive.

They chose Earth's 32 fiercest warriors from across time and space, placing them in The Apex Arena—a constantly shifting battleground where only the strongest survive. The prize? The salvation of Earth and a place of honour in the alien archives. 4 groups, 8 fighters in each. Who would stand, and who would fall?

Each warrior stands alone, unaware of their competition, fighting not just for glory, but for the very future of humanity. The Apex Arena has opened its gates. The battle for survival begins now.


Apex Arena - Battle C4: Leon the Professional vs Lara Croft

The Apex Arena sang its tune once again as blood spilled all over the place and this time it delivered Leon the Professional and Lara Croft into a sprawling container yard, a labyrinth of towering steel boxes that reached stories high. The rusting containers were stacked haphazardly, and the narrow pathways between them formed a maze of metal that twisted and turned. The sound of creaking metal filled the air, and the dim lighting barely reached into the narrow alleyways, casting deep shadows that seemed to move with each groan of the containers above.


Leon appeared first, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the environment. He was used to urban jungles, places where stealth and precision were everything. The container yard was a hunter’s dream—a place full of hiding spots and vantage points, with plenty of ways to outmanoeuvre an opponent. But there was something off about the stacks. They swayed slightly, their balance precarious, like they could shift at any moment.

The wind picked up, and with a loud creak, a container above shifted, its metal sides scraping against its neighbour. Leon knew that sound meant danger. The containers weren’t stable, and one wrong move could bring a whole section crashing down. He moved cautiously, stepping into the shadow of a tall stack, his eyes constantly scanning for movement.

Lara Croft appeared on the far side of the yard, her senses immediately on high alert. The environment was challenging, but that was nothing new for her. The rusted containers, the narrow walkways, and the towering heights were familiar territory. She thrived in places that others found disorienting. She spotted a crane at the far end of the yard, its rusted hook dangling over a stack of containers. She made a mental note of its location—high ground could be crucial here.

The yard was alive with sound. The groaning metal, the creak of shifting containers, the occasional thud of a box settling deeper into the stack. Weapons were scattered throughout the yard—an old crowbar lay discarded near a half-open container, while a sniper rifle was precariously balanced on a stack two stories high, barely visible from below.

Leon moved silently, his footsteps muffled by the dirt and gravel beneath him. He spotted a crowbar just ahead and moved to retrieve it, his eyes darting upward as another loud creak echoed through the yard. A container shifted, its metal walls groaning in protest before settling again. Leon gritted his teeth—this place was a death trap, but he could use it to his advantage.

Lara, meanwhile, had begun to climb. She moved up the side of a container, her fingers finding purchase on the rusted edges. She reached the top, her eyes scanning the yard from her new vantage point. She could see Leon in the distance, his form barely visible as he moved between the shadows. She smiled—this was going to be interesting.

The containers weren’t just an obstacle; they were a weapon. Each creak, each shift of the metal, was a reminder that the entire yard could come crashing down at any moment. Lara moved along the top of the stack, her eyes sharp, her senses heightened. She spotted a coil of chain hanging from a nearby container and grabbed it, looping it over her shoulder. It wasn’t much, but it could be useful.

Leon paused, his eyes narrowing as he heard movement above. He looked up, catching a glimpse of Lara’s silhouette against the dark sky. He knew he had to act fast—if she got the high ground, she could easily outmanoeuvre him. He moved quickly, darting between the containers, his footsteps silent as he closed the distance.

Lara spotted Leon moving below, his figure slipping between the containers like a ghost. She knew she couldn’t let him get too close—Leon was dangerous up close. She moved to the edge of the container stack, her eyes locking onto him as she prepared to make her move.

Leon grabbed the crowbar, his eyes focused on Lara. He could see her above, her figure moving along the edge. He knew he had to be careful—the shifting containers were as much a threat as she was. He moved to the side, finding cover behind a stack as another container groaned above, its balance shifting.

Lara leaped from one container to another, her body moving with practiced ease. She landed silently, her eyes never leaving Leon. She could see the danger in the shifting stacks, but she thrived on danger. She moved quickly, closing the distance, the chain in her hand ready.

Leon stepped out from his cover, his eyes locked on Lara as she approached. The containers above shifted, their metal sides creaking loudly as they swayed. The yard was a maze of metal, a place where one wrong move could mean death.

Their deadly analytical minds whirled as they plotted the optimal path to face their opponent, and as the Aliens watching laughed in glee, they sprung in to action!


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Two ways to look at this. From a purely skill based perspective Leon ghosts Lara and then uses stealth to get the win.

Problem is in character he won't fight her. Its against his "no women, no children" code.

That said the setup seems to indicate he is willing to kill here 

So Leon should take the win.

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