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Apex Arena - Battle D4: Casey Ryback vs Snake Plissken


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Casey Ryback

Snake Plissken

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In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked, "Where the f&&k is everyone?" That question led to what is now known as the Fermi Paradox, pondering why humanity has never encountered intelligent life despite the vastness of the universe. But when first contact finally happened, humanity wished the answer had been "nowhere."

The aliens arrived with technology and powers beyond comprehension, annihilating Earth’s defences. Yet, despite their godlike abilities, humanity's defiance intrigued them. Instead of total destruction, the aliens devised a twisted experiment to understand humanity’s unique will to survive.

They chose Earth's 32 fiercest warriors from across time and space, placing them in The Apex Arena—a constantly shifting battleground where only the strongest survive. The prize? The salvation of Earth and a place of honour in the alien archives. 4 groups, 8 fighters in each. Who would stand, and who would fall?

Each warrior stands alone, unaware of their competition, fighting not just for glory, but for the very future of humanity. The Apex Arena has opened its gates. The battle for survival begins now.


Apex Arena - Battle D4: Casey Ryback vs Snake Plissken

The Apex Arena twisted once again, dropping Casey Ryback and Snake Plissken into a nightmarish battleground—an industrial toxic waste dump, filled with leaking barrels and pools of glowing green sludge. The air was thick with the acrid stench of chemicals, and the ground was uneven, the earth cracked and marred by spills of toxic ooze. Everywhere, rusting barrels sat precariously, their contents bubbling and leaking onto the ground.


Casey Ryback stood, surveying the chaotic landscape. His SEAL instincts kicked in immediately, assessing the danger. The green sludge ate through whatever it touched—metal, wood, and even concrete. One wrong step here, and it could mean losing a limb or worse. Ryback could hear something in the distance—movement, the sound of scurrying feet, and low growls. He knew he wasn’t alone. The barrels were stacked haphazardly, some piled high, forming makeshift walls. He grabbed a rusted iron pipe from the ground and moved forward cautiously, his senses heightened.

On the opposite side of the dump, Snake Plissken scanned the landscape, his single eye narrowing. This place was hell—an industrial wasteland, with danger lurking at every turn. He had seen places like this before, but the unsettling sounds of movement put him on edge. He looked down at the ground, noticing paw prints—big ones, each step deep in the sludge. "Great, just what I need," he muttered. He could hear the squeals now—unnatural, loud, and growing closer. He knew whatever had made those prints was coming, and it wasn’t friendly.

Suddenly, from the shadows of the barrels, mutant rats emerged. They were massive—three times the size of normal rats, their fur patchy, and their eyes glowing with a sickly green hue. They moved quickly, their long teeth bared as they hissed and growled, the toxicity in the air having warped them into something monstrous. Ryback took a step back, his pipe ready as one of the creatures lunged at him. He swung hard, the pipe connecting with a dull thud. The rat fell, but two more took its place, their sharp claws scratching at the ground.

Snake moved silently, his eyes flicking toward the scurrying shadows. The rats were territorial, their red eyes gleaming in the dim light as they emerged from beneath the barrels. Plissken drew his knife, his grip firm as he waited for the right moment. The rats seemed almost fearless, but they were also erratic—jumping, lunging, and occasionally fighting amongst themselves.

The environment was hazardous enough, but the mutant rats made it a gauntlet. They attacked anything that moved, and both fighters had to adapt quickly. Ryback moved between the barrels, using them as cover, while keeping the rats at bay with the pipe. He spotted a makeshift weapon—a broken-off piece of a metal sign—and grabbed it, wielding it like a shield as he pressed forward. The rats swarmed, but he knew he had to keep moving. Staying in one place meant getting overwhelmed.

Plissken took a different approach. He climbed a stack of barrels, the rusted metal groaning under his weight. From above, he could see the dump laid out before him, the pools of toxic sludge glowing in the dim light, the barrels casting long shadows across the ground. He spotted Ryback, fighting his way through a pack of rats, and grinned. He’d heard of Ryback—Navy SEAL, tough as nails—but this was his fight, and he wasn’t about to lose.

Fifty seconds.

Ryback spotted Plissken atop the barrels, their eyes meeting for a brief moment. There was no recognition, just the acknowledgment of an opponent. Ryback swung his makeshift shield, knocking a rat aside as he advanced, his eyes locked on Plissken.

Plissken moved along the barrels, his footsteps careful. The rats below snarled and snapped, but he ignored them, his focus on Ryback. He leaped down, landing in a crouch, his knife ready as he approached the SEAL.

Twenty seconds.

The rats surged around them, their claws scraping against the ground, their shrill squeals echoing through the dump. Ryback swung his pipe, knocking another rat aside, his eyes never leaving Plissken. They were close now—close enough to see each other clearly, close enough to strike.

Ten seconds.

The air was thick with the smell of chemicals, the mutant rats relentless as they attacked anything in sight. The fighters moved closer, the barrels towering above them, the sludge bubbling ominously at their feet. One wrong step, one slip, and it would be over.

Blood – danger – the audience laughed and brave men went to war.


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On 10/21/2024 at 2:02 AM, Pizza Guy said:

Snake. I never bought into Seagel as an action star, none of his fight scenes looked realistic and his characters were always one dimensional and flat. Snake Plisskin was one of my personal childhood heroes and he would destroy any Seagel character he comes across.

Yep. Agreed 💯

What Snake is capable of exceeds anything Kasey has done imo. Tbh the overall theme and plot of Escape from NY/LA is way grittier too. Plissken takes this one. Based on Hand 2 Hand I have faith in Snake too git'r did. Even tho Seagal is black belt Akido in rl. In my screenplay between these two fighting ends with Kurt Russell laying the smacketh down!

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