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Match 20956 Cassie Hack vs. Tonberry


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Cassie Hack


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After arriving in the beach resort town of Costa Del Sol, Cassie Hack received directions to her destination. She adjusted the strap on her black duffle bag in front of a sign promoting the newly renovated “Johnny’s Seaside Inn” and soaked in the moment. Cassie did not have the look of the usual tourist that frequented Costa Del Sol, with her black tank top, frayed jeans, and boots she stood out like a sore thumb and looked more ready to crash a punk show than catch rays on the sand. Vlad followed closely behind her. The hulking, weathered man looked even more out of place than she did. Seven foot tall with a pale, scarred face hidden beneath a metal mask.. Points and whispers had followed them from the dock to their current location.

“I still think this whole situation is weird,” Cassie muttered

She pulled out a photo sent to her by the owner of the establishment, Johnny, from her pocket. She studied it as they walked.

 “A little green guy with a lantern and a knife. What even is that?”

“A Tonberry,” Vlad answered from behind her. “If you are thinking about turning around, I’m right behind you.”

Cassie shook her head and recommitted.  “No, we agreed to hear him out. If this little thing is as dangerous as he is saying, then these people need our help.” She turned to her companion and teased. “And you did say that you wanted to see more of the world.”

“Wasn’t thinking this,” replied Vlad.

The two entered into the modest looking hotel that had the appearance of a large ornate lightly decorated treehouse. A nearby door swung open, and Johnny himself emerged  with an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and barely contained enthusiasm.

“Cassie Hack! Hey, Welcome to the Seaside Inn. And… oh, wow!” His eyes widened as he took in Vlad’s massive form. “You didn’t tell me you were bringing, uh…” Johnny paused, searching for words. “This guy! Bro you’re huge!”

Vlad merely grunted in response.

Cassie crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Johnny, right? You’re the one with the monster problem?”

“The one and only!” Johnny declared. “And yeah, I’ve got a big problem. and you’re exactly who I need to solve it!” He stepped aside and gestured dramatically toward the resort itself “This is the crown jewel of Costa del Sol. Well, uh, it was before that little green freak showed up…”

Cassie gave him a skeptical look. “Before we get into details, I have to know. How did you even hear about me?”

Johnny’s grinned. “I got connections, babe! And by that I mean a traveler came through a few weeks ago and couldn’t stop talking about you! Told me you’ve taken out some real bad dudes. Bobby Brunswick, The Lunch Lady, the Acid Angel, The Mosaic Man… ”

“Real bad dudes is one of saying it, you could also say I hunt down a bunch of sociopathic murdering maniacs,” noted Cassie.

“If there is a slasher about, we’ll take ‘em out,” added Vlad.

“That’s awesome bro, because that is exactly what I need. I need someone who can take out this miniature monster of death. And I’m willing to pay.”

Cassie tilted her head and gave him a hard stare. “I don’t do merc work, Johnny. I stop killers so they don’t hurt anyone else. I’m not here to collect bounties.”

Johnny raised his hands.. “Hey, Hey, I hear you. I’m just desperate for some help. I think this is right up your alley.  This Tonberry… it’s exactly like a horror movie slasher. Creeps in real slow, doesn't speak and takes down my guests with one hit. It’s a nightmare.”

Vlad crossed his massive arms. “How can something that small be so dangerous and if it’s that slow, why hasn’t anyone stopped it with ranged weapons?”

“Well that’s the thing, you see… well, it would be better if I just showed you..”

Johnny led them through the lobby to a cramped security office filled with monitors. Cassie leaned against the doorframe and Vlad stood silently behind her. Johnny flipped through the camera feeds until he found the one he wanted. 

“Alright, check this out.”

On the monitor, the video showed the Costa Del Sol beach filled with vacationers. People lounged on deck chairs, sipped drinks and soakedup the sun. Then, a small green figure waddled toward the crowd, one slow step at a time, with a lantern swinging by its side.

“This really is the guy?” Cassie asked, unimpressed. “Looks like a mascot.”

Cassie watched as the Tonberry stabbed two women who were near it. Both women fell instantly to the ground after one thrust and were dead.

Cassie was confused. “That can’t be right. The angle and power of that thrust should not have killed them instantly.”

“Keep watching,” Johnny insisted.

On the screen, a man noticed the Tonberry and jumped up. He grabbed a poolside chair to defend himself. Before he could attack, the Tonberry raised its lantern, and thin tendrils of blue smoke curled around the man’s body. In an instant, the man crumpled over in pain unable to move.

“It’s called Scourge,” Johnny said grimly. “One of its tricks.”

The camera feed continued. A second tourist tried to run, but the Tonberry lifted its lantern again. Three ghostly shapes emerged from the flickering flame and glided toward the fleeing man. The moment they touched him, he collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Johnny shivered. “That is the Doom and Gloom technique. No one stands a chance.”

Vlad leaned in slightly. “It’s like a curse?”

“Yeah, an instant death curse,” replied Johnny.

Cassie tapped her chin. “So this thing’s not just carrying a knife, it’s packing a whole supernatural toolkit.” She turned to Johnny. “Do you know why it is targeting your guests, exactly?”

Johnny rubbed the back of his neck. He smiled sheepishly. “Uh… So, funny story. My bros…Cloud and his crew…they kinda… took out the little guy’s ruler, the Tonberry King, for me. I, uh, wanted his crown.”

Anger rose up inside Cassie. “You risked all these people’s lives… over a crown?”

Johnny winced. “Yeah… not my brightest moment. But hey, it’s a really cool crown and looks amazing in the display room of the resort!”

Cassie rolled her eyes. “Unbelievable.”

“Another killer looking for revenge,” stated Vlad.

Johnny snapped his fingers. “Bingo. Although, they aren’t exactly friendly creatures even when they don’t have a grudge.”

“So where are your buddies that beat the King? What did you say his name was, Cloud?” Cassie asked.

“My bro, Tifa, and their buddies are off chasing another big bad dude, Sephiroth, so they can’t help me out. That’s where you two come in.”

Cassie glared at him and tightened her jaw. “You’re an idiot.”

Johnny shrugged. “Yeah, I hear that a lot.”

Cassie sighed. She rubbedher temples. “Just because you are an idiot doesn’t mean these people should suffer. Alright, fine. We’ll handle it. But after this is over, you owe every person here an apology…and you’d better make it a good one.”

Johnny perked up instantly. “Absolutely!”

Cassie turned back to the monitors. She watching the Tonberry continue its slow, menacing advance. “Do you have any footage of this Cloud guy fighting one? Or his fight against the Tonberry King? I want to see how he handled it.”

Johnny’s face lit up. “Oh, I’ve got just the thing! Hang tight, I'll grab it!” 

Johnny bolted from the room.

Cassie shook her head. She  glanced over at Vlad. “How the hell did we end up in this mess?”

Vlad shrugged. “You were curious.”

Cassie let out a rueful laugh. “Yeah, and now we’re fighting a knife-wielding monster with weird ghost powers who can one shot its victims. Classic.”

Johnny returned a moment later, holding a small box of glowing feathers. He handed two to Cassie and two to Vlad.

“Alright, before I forget, here! These are Phoenix Downs. You’ll definitely need ‘em. Trust me.”

Cassie held one up. She examined the strange glow. “What exactly do these do?”

Johnny grinned. “They bring you back to life if you, uh... you know get taken out by one of the Tonberry’s attacks.”

“I’m pretty durable. I have been through some real knockout, drag out fights. I don’t think one knife stab will take me down,” said Vlad.

“You don’t understand, bro, it doesn’t matter how tough you are. If that Tonberry makes contact with that knife, you’re done,” Johnny explained.

Vlad tucked the Phoenix Downs into his coat pockets. “We’ll make sure they don’t go to waste.”

Johnny clapped his hands together. “That’s the spirit! Go get that little freak, and I know you guys can do it.”

Cassie shook her head again. “This is officially the weirdest gig we’ve ever taken.”

Vlad gave a slow nod. “You think we can blow it up?”

“That’s one of the options on the table.” She looked at the monitor one more time before glancing back at her partner. She cracked her knuckles. “Alright, Vlad. Let’s get ready to  hunt us a little green slasher.”



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