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Match 20962 VR Troopers vs. Psycho Goreman


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VR Troopers

Psycho Goreman

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The Tao Dojo was normally a place of focus and discipline, but today the mood was light-hearted as Ryan Steele, Kaitlin Star, and J.B. Reese stood around a cluttered table. Streamers, pumpkins, and plastic skeletons were scattered about as they finalized their plans for a Halloween party.

“We’re definitely doing a bobbing-for-apples contest,” Kaitlin insisted as she held up a bucket.

J.B. smirked. “And we’re definitely making Ryan wear the most ridiculous costume we can find.”

Ryan groaned. “You know this is supposed to be fun, not public humiliation, right?”

Tao Chong, the wise and somewhat stern owner of the dojo, stood nearby with a skeptical look. “A Halloween party... at my dojo? I am still not convinced this is a good idea.”

Ryan gave Tao his best reassuring smile. “No need to worry. We’ve got it under control! It’s just one night.”

J.B. chimed in. “We’ll clean everything up. No mess, no disasters. We promise, nothing’s gonna go wrong.”

Tao sighed but gave a small nod. “Fine. But if things get out of hand...”

“They won’t!” Ryan grinned. “It’s going to be great. Trust us!”

Across the city, Karl Ziktor sat in his sleek office, watching the conversation through a large monitor on his wall. He sneered as Tao reluctantly agreed to the party.

“Fools,” Ziktor exclaimed. “A night of festivities will make them weak and distracted. Now will be the perfect time to destroy their precious dojo and eliminate them once and for all.”

He reached for the orb on his desk. Energy crackled through his hands as he clutched it tightly.

“Forces of darkness, empower me! Take me back to my Virtual Reality!”

The office walls shimmered and transformed into the ominous landscape of the Virtual Reality world. Ziktor’s body and face twisted and morphed in grotesque ways. His human form morphied into the armored terror known as Grimlord.

In the shadowy depths of the Virtual Dungeon, Grimlord summoned his two most loyal generals, General Ivar and Colonel Icebot.

“How do we disrupt their celebration? What weapon do you have for me?” Grimlord shouted.

Ivar stepped forward, holding a glowing red gem in his metallic claw. “This, Lord Grimlord, is the key to your victory. We found it by traveling to another reality.”

Grimlord took the gem from Ivar and glared at it. “And what exactly am I supposed to do with this?”

Ivar chuckled. “This gem controls a monster of unimaginable power. I took it from a child... a child foolish enough to believe she could contain it.”

Grimlord sneered. “Show me.”

The air warped, and a monstrous figure appeared. It was a towering, purple-skinned creature with jagged teeth, sunken eyes, and a demeanor that radiated malice.

“Who are you?” asked Grimlord.

“I am the Arch-Duke of Nightmares,” the creature growled. “I have no other name. But you may call me... Psycho Goreman if you wish. It’s the name the little girl gave me.”

“Should I be impressed by that name? What benefit is there to controlling you? You were in the service of a small child,” said Grimlord

Psycho Goreman grew angry. “Only because Mimi grabbed the Gem of Peraxidike while I was still imprisoned! If you doubt my power, I can show you a demonstration.”

Grimlord held up the gem and nodded slowly. Psycho Goreman showed off incredible strength as tore through some of Grimlord’s subjects and blasted them with energy blasts from his eyes and hands.

“That is enough!” Grimlord commanded. “You will be my champion and defeat those troublesome kids.”

Goreman was confused. “I traveled the galaxy and brought death and destruction wherever I went and you need me to fight kids?”

“You will see.”

The night of the party arrived, and the dojo was buzzing with people. Guests, dressed in every costume imaginable, filled the room with laughter and chatter.Kaitlin and J.B. mingled among the crowd. Kaitlin was dressed in an 80s-style rock star outfit, complete with glitter and teased hair. J.B sported a lab coat and oversized goggles for his mad scientist costume.  Both of their gazes turned to the door when Ryan entered in a white karate gi and headband. They quickly ran to him.

“Dude, where is your costume?” asked J.B.

“You’re looking at it,” Ryan replied. “I’m a martial artist.”

“Seriously. I know we teased you a little bit, but you could have at least put some more effort. You look almost exactly the same as you always do,” Kaitlin scolded.

“This isn’t my Tao Dojo gi, it’s completely different.” 

J.B. and Kaitlin looked at their friend with disappointment.

“I couldn’t think of anything else,” Ryan finally admitted.

A half an hour later, the party was in full swing when the doors burst open The terrifying visage of Psycho Goreman entered the party. There was a brief moment of silence before some cheers permeated the air.

“Cool costume, dude!” someone called oit.

Psycho Goreman’s lip curled into a twisted grin. “Costume? Oh, you poor, doomed and pathetic fools.”

Without warning, he lunged at a party-goer, and ripped off one of his arms. He then lifted him effortlessly off the ground and tossed him into a wall with a sickening thud.

The crowd screamed, panic spread like wildfire.

“Oh my god!” Kaitlin cried out.

Ryan and J.B. exchanged horrified looks. The three of them reached for their virtualizers.

“Trooper transform!”

In a flash, they were engulfed in beams of energy.  When they finished their transformation, Psycho Goreman had already torn through a couple of terrified guests, popping off their heads, and  leaving a bloody mess in his wake.

“Holy crap,” J.B. muttered. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Kaitlin winced as they surveyed the carnage. “We have to get him out of here before anyone else gets hurt.”

Ryan nodded in agreement. “Vortex Command—NOW!”

The VR Troopers activated their teleportation devices, and in a swirl of virtual energy, they transported themselves and Psycho Goreman to the Virtual Reality world.

The four materialized in the dark, glitchy landscape of the Virtual Reality world. Psycho Goreman looked around, only marginally impressed.

“Maybe there is something more to you, it still will not save you from the death that awaits,” he threatened.

Ryan stepped forward with his  fists clenched. “We’ve taken down every monster Grimlord’s thrown at us. You’re just another one in a long line. We’ll make you pay for what you did to those people.”

J.B. whispered to Kaitlin. “I don’t know. He seems different from Grimlord’s other villains, right?”

“Gee, what gave that away?” replied Kaitlin. “The horrific murder spree?”

Ryan cut them off. “Stay sharp guys. We can’t afford to give him an inch. We have seen what he is capable of.”

Psycho Goreman laughed. “You haven’t even begun to see my power. But you will soon enough. And then when I get back to your world I will annihilate the rest of your pathetic planet.”

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