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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Dr. Eggman


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Dr. Eggman

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The first Bomberman lunged forward, launching a bomb directly at Yamcha. Yamcha could read his moves and dodged to the side, the explosive grazing his arm as it whizzed past. He grimaced. Judging from the heat that bomb gave off, a few of those would fry him. No time to dwell on it. He retaliated with a swift kick that connected with the Bomberman’s helmet, sending him crashing through the wall.

Before Yamcha could turn, another Bomberman was on him, throwing a bomb that exploded at his feet. Yamcha leapt backward, barely avoiding the blast, but the force of the explosion sent him stumbling into the third Bomberman, who was ready with another bomb. Yamcha bounced off the ground, up and above the enemy and landing behind him.

"Don't think so, chump," Yamcha said, drawing in his ki and unleashing a Wolf-Fang Fist against the unprepared Bomberman.

Two down.

As soon as the Bomberman dropped, the other two charged him. Yamcha dropped low, sweeping his leg across the floor in a wide arc. His foot connected with one of the Bomberman’s ankles, knocking him off balance. The instant the Bomberman hit the ground, Yamcha was on him, driving his fist into the exposed circuitry in the neck of the suit. Sparks flew as the suit malfunctioned, the red glow in the visor dimming to nothing.

Three down.

Yamcha threw himself aside, as the last remaining Bomberman fired a barrage of bombs that filled the corridor. The first two bombs missed, but the tight corridor didn't leave Yamcha much room. Yamcha's instincts screamed at him to move, so he dashed back and around the corner, out of sight. The following corridor filled with smoke from the bombardment, but that was just what Yamcha wanted.

As he felt the Bomberman approach, Yamcha formed a Spirit Ball in his hand. Once in sight, Yamcha directed the ball with pinpoint accuracy at the Bomberman, striking him dead in the chest. The energy collided with the circuitry of the suit, and immediately exploded.

And that makes four.

"They're really going to have to do better than that," Yamcha gave a victory cry.

He had done it. He had faced the challenge, and he had won. One absolute win that no-one could take away. Yamcha stood strong, but then felt that strange presence again, stronger than ever. It was still calling to him, meaning it wasn't these chumps. There was still something—or someone—waiting for him.

He pressed forward, following deeper into maze until it opened wider and wider, resembling more like a warehouse more and more. Faint electrical buzzing filled the air, along with the occasional clank of metal shifting in the distance.

At the end of the corridor, Yamcha came upon a large, reinforced steel door. The energy he had been sensing all along pulsed behind it, almost like a heartbeat. His instincts screamed at him to be ready. It was also telling him to run. "Come on, Yamcha, where is your nerve?" he asked himself. "Let's make an entrance."

He took a deep breath, raised his hand, and blasted the door open with a burst of ki. The metal crumbled under his energy, and Yamcha stepped through the threshold, only to find himself standing in a vast, high-tech laboratory. The room was filled with towering machines and computer consoles that blinked with red and yellow lights. Strange robotic arms hung from the ceiling.

And in the center of it all stood a figure—round, with a wild mustache, clad in a red coat with black gloves and boots. He was bent over a large console, typing furiously before turning around to face Yamcha with a wicked grin.

"Ah, Yamcha! I’ve been expecting you."

Yamcha narrowed his eyes, instantly recognizing the man. "Dr. Eggman?! What the hell are you doing here?"

Dr. Eggman let out a low chuckle, stepping away from the console. "Oh, you know, just a little experiment I’ve been working on. I figured after so many years of chasing that insufferable hedgehog, it was time for a change of pace. After all, what's easier than defeating a super-speed hedgehog?"

Yamcha clenched his fists, his muscles tensing. "I don't know, what?"

"A Yamcha," Eggman finished with a sinister laugh, that finished in a tone of arrogant chuckles. "You see, I’ve devised a little invention that taps into your energy signature. While you were busy playing with my Bombermen, I was working on drawing your power into my latest machine. Soon, I’ll have more than enough energy to—"

"Cut the crap!" Yamcha interrupted, his patience wearing thin. "If you think I'm going to let you use me for whatever twisted plan you’ve got, you’ve got another thing coming! Besides, you are just some big loser anyway, I bet your win-lose ratio is in the dumpster."

Dr. Eggman cackled, throwing his arms up dramatically. "Oh, it is far better than yours! Now, to show you your better." With a snap of his fingers, a large metal platform rose from the floor behind him, revealing a hulking robot—a towering mechanical monstrosity outfitted with lasers, drills, and glowing energy cores.

The platform whirred to life, and the robot's eyes glowed a menacing red. "Meet the Egg Yamcha Eradicator," Eggman said, his grin widening. "It’s custom-built to counter your every move!"

Yamcha took his signature fighting stance, his eyes fixed on the machine. "Let’s see if it’s built to survive the beating of a Wolf-Fang Fist!"


Saiyan Arc Yamcha - 75% health. No senzu beans.

Base Video Game Dr. Eggman

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