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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Dr. Eggman
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Match 20968 Fives (Star Wars) vs. Mansquito


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Fives (Star Wars)


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It was there in the middle of the battlefield that the Arc trooper felt the impact of this war on the galaxy. From outside the haze and smoke, he could hear the cries of the citizens begging for help. He could hear the final breaths of his brothers that fell in this terrible. It was not long ago that he charged alongside his brothers on the frontline to face the soulless clankers. Now, he could feel the weight of this dreadful war pressing down on his shoulders. After watching his closest brothers fall in the countless battles that he had fought in, he felt a burden in his heart. His trust in the Republic was shaken with each passing day and now he found himself with an internal struggle. Fives glanced up the sky above and saw the stars shining through the haze of war. He thought about the cries and the screams of his fellow clones. The Arc troopers closed his eyes tight before continuing with this battle. 
Surrounded by the soulless droids that fought for the Separatist army, Fives and his brothers in the 501st were pinned down. Despite the circumstances, the clones were bred for this moment. They were raised to fight until the last man, and they were born to push on until their last breath. Captain Rex screamed over his communicator in hopes that reinforcements would arrive. Leaping in front of blaster fire, the Chosen One deflected a multitude of attacks with his fiery blue lightsaber. These blasts were intended to strike down the clones under his command that included his close ally, Captain Rex. The Clone Captain shrugged before quickly thanking the Jedi Knight. Anakin smirked before jumping toward a squadron of battle droids. With swift and calculated movements, the Jedi General was able to cut his way through the droids with relative ease. Once the Jedi Knight rescued his troops; Rex, Fives, and the rest of the 501st moved past the Separatist outpost.

Once the charges were set around the droid command center, the 501st stood back to watched as the explosives were detonated. The ground beneath them started to shake as a large fiery ball reached up for the skies above. A cloud of dust blew across the land and covered the army of clones. Rex and the 501st started to cheer while Anakin sauntered toward the remains of the droid command center. A satisfied smile formed across the Jedi’s cheeks as he gazed over the destruction. It was not long until Republic gunships appeared through the dust-filled skies. Those same ships descended upon the battlefield and landed before the victorious clones. Anakin and the 501st waited while several groups of clone troopers hopped out of the gunships to secure the area. While his brother’s ran to get loaded into the ships, Fives stood back for a moment to look over the battlefield. The Arc trooper closed his eyes and his mind drifted.
With each passing day and with each battle fought, the nightmare of this dreadful war only grew for the Arc trooper. All the faces of his brothers that he had seen fall during battle poured through his mind. In that moment, he thought about Echo and the others in the Domino Squad. The moment of reflect was cut short once he heard Rex calling out for him. Fives looked up at the battle-hardened officer and nodded. He ran to join his Captain on the gunship and glanced back at the battlefield. As the gunship lifted off the ground and ascended into the air, Fives stared down to see it disappear from his view. Another battle, another mission completed in this grueling war. Knowing that this is what they were created to do, the Arc trooper closed his eyes from underneath his helmet and let out a steady sigh. He knew that this was the cost of war and that good soldiers followed orders. 
Once they arrived back at the Republic checkpoint, Rex and the rest of the 501st hopped out of their gunships. One of the protocol droids sauntered up the Jedi general and informed him of a briefing that was about to take place. Anakin called out to Rex and the two headed off to participate in the briefing. Meanwhile, Fives along with Jesse and the other clones in the 501st made their way to the mess hall. They could feel the growling in the stomach as they longed for meal that would hopefully be better than any of the rations that they were given during their missions. While they sat around the tables, each of the clones spoke of their experiences in the recent battle. They had even begun talking about rumblings that they heard from other clones. There were rumors that the Separatist were experimenting with different forms of biological weapons on prisons of war.
These rumors obviously did not sit well with the clones as they thought about the prisoners that would have been taken in this galactic conflict. Most of the clones imagined that the only prisoners in this war would have been none other than their own brothers.  Fives clinched his fist while thinking about Echo and the other clones that were in the Domino Squad. He hated the thought that one of them could have been captured and dissected by those clankers. As the clones in the 501st continued with their meal, they heard someone shout about an officer on deck. The clones jumped to their feet at attention, but Rex quickly told them to rest. The battle-hardened captain made his way toward Fives and Jesse. Fives could tell that there was a distressed look on the captain’s face while Jesse was wiping away something from his mouth. Jesse then turned his attention toward Rex.
“Something we can do for you, sir?” Jesse asked.
“We got our new orders.” Rex replied.
“What are they?” Fives asked.
“A prison transport was attacked by a Separatist detail. All the guards were killed, and the prisoners were taken. Each one of these prisoners were considered extremely dangerous and wanted in over a dozen systems.” Rex replied.
“They want us to go after them?” Jesse said with a confused look.
“Sort of.” Rex shrugged. “It is not exactly clear why the Separatist freed these guys. They are not exactly team players. Their crimes vary from kidnapping to murder.”
“I heard some of the others talking about the clankers experimenting and testing biological weapons on prisoners of war. Do think it could have anything to do with that?” Fives asked.
“Quite possibly.” Rex replied. “We have intel that could lead to the whereabouts of these prisoners. Fives, I’m sending you with a small squad to go check it out. It may not be anything, but the Republic does not want it to spread that the Separatist are freeing criminals.”
“Understood, sir.” Fives replied while reaching for his helmet.
After arriving on a planet that was controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Separatist leader Count Dooku was walking alongside multiple super battle droids. There was a cold stare plastered on the face of the former Jedi Master as he walked into the meeting room of the Separatist leaders. Inside of his chest, he carried a deep level of resentment towards his fellow Separatists, but he continued to keep his composure around them. These lifeforms were a means to an end in his Master’s overall plot for the galaxy. As he found his seat, he overhead their grumblings about the costs of this war and the increased production of the droid army. The Sith lord grew disinterested with the conversations that continued to boil down to the financial setbacks that the war placed on the Confederacy of Independent Systems. While Dooku tried to keep up appearances for the other Separatist leaders, his aspirations were far greater than financial prosperity.
He then heard something caused his ears to flicker. His cold brown eyes shot a glare toward the Geonosis leader. The insect-like creature spoke of an insect that was discovered on a back water planet. A small insect that could fly from person to person while sucking the blood of the individual target. While the insect itself was meaningless, they realized that it could carry a vast number of engineered viruses that could harm the Republic troops. Despite everything that was said, Dooku realized that his Master would not be supportive of such a tactical move. The former Jedi thought about Sidious’ overall plan for the galaxy and how this war would shape the future empire that he had planned. Dooku decided that for the sake of this war, he would move forward with the plans that were brought forward by the Geonosis leader.
On Coruscant, a prison transport was being loaded with several convicted lifeforms. One of these lifeforms was a man named Ray Erikson. Despite being bound and led in an assembly line onto the transport, the career criminal tried to find any way he could escape from the custody of the Republic. His eyes scanned over the different guards and all the mechanisms in the ship. It was not long until he was told to keep his eyes forward. Ray smiled before being forced to sit down in his seat. The transport ship lifted off the landing pad and started heading out of the atmosphere. Ray cursed under his breath while shaking his head. He hoped that there would be a small opportunity that would present itself, but he could not find anything to exploit. With his hope for escape fleeting by each passing moment, he heard a sound that caused his ears to rise.
An explosion rocked the ship and alarms started going off. The convicted criminal looked in all directions as the guards jumped to their feet. Ray then was jerked in all directions as the prison transport ship was spinning in all directions. The other criminals started cheering and laughing while the guards tried to maintain some order. Eventually, the ship crash landed on a nearby moon. As the guards scrambled around, Ray broke free from his restrains and wrapped his arms around the neck of one of the guards. With a swift snap, he broke the guard’s neck with his arms. Ray reached down to retrieve the key from the guard’s waist band. Before he could unlock himself, the other guards surrounded the convicted criminal. Ray smiled up at the other guards as they pointed their blasters down at the prisoner. Suddenly, the doors to the prison transport ship were ripped open and a small battalion of droids flooded the ship.
The droids immediately shot down the guards while taking the prisoners hostage. Ray tried to break free and flee from the metallic soldiers but there were far too many. Being dragged into one of the Separatist ships, Ray struggled while listening to the combination of laughter and screams from his fellow prisoners. While being restrained deep in the ship, Ray was able to conceal a small sharp piece of metal he took while murdering the guard on the Republic prison transport ship. While waiting in confinement, the criminal felt as the ship entered hyperspace. Several thoughts started to race through his mind once he realized that he and the other prisoners were now being held captive by the Separatist army. “What the hell do they want with me?” He mumbled under his breath while his eyes looked around the room for anything he could use for escape. With the little piece of metal, Ray started working on trying to break free from his retrains.
After arriving on an unknown planet, Ray could hear as the droids came in and took a few of the prisoners out of their cell. Ray spit out once he heard their cries for help. After breaking out of his restraints, the criminal crawled to the side of the room and waited for the perfect opportunity. Once the doors opened, a pair of droids sauntered into the room. Ray lunged forward and attacked the droids. He was able to wrestle a blaster out of one of their hands. The criminal shot down the droids with ease and soon turned his attention toward the open door. A smile formed across his face as he ran out of the room and through the hallway. Although he did not know where he was, he felt he could at least fight his way toward freedom. He tried to keep himself hidden while other droids patrolled the area. All he needed was a ship and he could escape this world.
Ray soon found himself in what appeared to be a dark room. While walking through the room, he heard the door slam shut behind him. A red light came on in the room and Ray could see a small glass chamber filled with the corpses of some of the other prisoners. “What the hell?” He said to himself while walking up to the glass. Ray then felt an itchy sensation on the back of his neck. The criminal slapped his neck and then looked down at his hand. He saw what appeared to be an insect in his hand. Suddenly, the doors opened, and a small group of droids entered the room. Immediately, Ray started firing upon the droids as he jumped for cover. The droids fired back at the criminal. As the blasts rang out in all directions, an explosion was set off that shook the room.
Several vials of chemicals poured down on the criminal as he fought his way past the droids. As he ran through the facility, Ray soon found what appeared to be an exit. With all his strength, he pushed himself forward and escaped out into the world. His hopes for freedom were quickly ceased once he found himself surrounded by droids. Before the droids could open fire and execute the escaped convict, they received orders to retrain him. They were to bring the prison to a special containment area. Ray squirmed and moaned by being dragged through the facility. His skin started to burn and the muscles inside of himself felt as if they were being stretched in all directions. The criminal cried out as his body started to change.
Arriving on the planet,
Fives and a small group of troopers made their way into the facility. For the most part, the facility appeared to be abandoned. There was no sign of the Separatist or the prisoners. While patrolling the area, Fives walked into a dark room and saw what appeared to be a glass chamber in the center of the room. The Arc trooper sauntered toward the chamber and looked inside. It was empty and appeared to have been cleaned recently. He soon noticed what appeared to be shards of glass scattered over the floor. The cloner trooper leaned down see scorch marks along the floor. As he looked over the floors, he could see carcasses of what appeared to be insects all over the floors. Suddenly, he heard one of his brothers cry out in fear which was soon followed by the sound of a blaster.
“Report!” Fives screamed over the comm.
There was no response from any of his men. The screams continued throughout the facility as the blaster fire continued. The Arc trooper rushed to see what was taking place. Running as fast as he could, he saw the bodies of the men that Rex placed under his command. His blood started boil as anger and rage started to take over. Fives soon found what had killed his brothers. It was a beast that was draining the blood and life from one of his men. Once the creature heard the approaching Arc trooper, it threw away the dead clone without hesitation. The Mansquito turned its attention to Fives and lunged toward him with all its might. Fives quickly lifted his blaster and prepared to avenge his brothers.
Fives is armed with a blaster rifle and pistol
Mansquito is fully developed.

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I think I'm going against the grain but I'm going Mansquito. Can't trust any Storm Troppers in a fight, especially from the Clone Era. I do love the atmosphere of a Storm Trooper in a monster movie, even one with a made for tv budget. Great job!

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2 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

I think I'm going against the grain but I'm going Mansquito. Can't trust any Storm Troppers in a fight, especially from the Clone Era. I do love the atmosphere of a Storm Trooper in a monster movie, even one with a made for tv budget. Great job!

I would argue that the clones, especially the ones in the 501st are far superior than the typically Storm troopers of the original trilogy 

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2 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

I think I'm going against the grain but I'm going Mansquito. Can't trust any Storm Troppers in a fight, especially from the Clone Era. I do love the atmosphere of a Storm Trooper in a monster movie, even one with a made for tv budget. Great job!

What? Clone Troopers were way more bad ass than Stormtroopers they could actually hit their targets, and fought in some fierce battles. Even shinies I think would be better than your Imperial Stormtroopers. 

This would be just like Geonosis all over again for them. 

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1 hour ago, Boratz said:

I would argue that the clones, especially the ones in the 501st are far superior than the typically Storm troopers of the original trilogy 


1 hour ago, Mercenaryblade said:

What? Clone Troopers were way more bad ass than Stormtroopers they could actually hit their targets, and fought in some fierce battles. Even shinies I think would be better than your Imperial Stormtroopers. 

This would be just like Geonosis all over again for them. 

It's quite possible I am mixing up my Star Wars lore. I have this picture in my head of them being incompetent, but it could very well be the later generation Storm Troopers bleeding into my memory. Also, everything looked better, cleaner and faster in the prequels, how could it not, that it was always hard to imagine that anything in the original trilogy could stand up to things from the prequels, even the droids.

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55 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:


It's quite possible I am mixing up my Star Wars lore. I have this picture in my head of them being incompetent, but it could very well be the later generation Storm Troopers bleeding into my memory. Also, everything looked better, cleaner and faster in the prequels, how could it not, that it was always hard to imagine that anything in the original trilogy could stand up to things from the prequels, even the droids.

Oh yeah Clones are definitely not incompetent 


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