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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Dr. Eggman
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Match 20969 Charles Gunn vs. Bud Jablonski


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Charles Gunn

Bud Jablonski

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At the front desk of the Los Angeles branch of the Wolfham & Hart law firm, Angel’s personal assistant, Harmony Kendall, fidgeted with her nail file as Charles Gunn approached. Dressed in a crisp suit, Gunn looked every bit the head of legal operations for the firm, but the swagger that once made him a feared and respected vampire hunter still lingered beneath the surface. Harmony’s disposition brightened at his appearance.

Harmony: Hey, Gunn! You busy?

Gunn: Harmony, you know I’m always busy. What do you need?

Harmony: Oh, just thought you should know there’s someone in Angel’s office who is demanding to talk to one of the firm's big wigs. Maybe he is here asking for legal advice? Thought it was, you know, kinda your thing?

Gunn: Angel’s office? Where’s the boss man at?

Harmony sighed dramatically and pouted.

Harmony: Angel and Spike went off on some big, secret mission. Wouldn’t even tell me! They’re so rude sometimes, right? Like, what if I needed to file some paperwork or something?

Gunn: Yeah, a real tragedy. But that still doesn’t explain why this is my problem.

Harmony shrugged.

Harmony: Well... You’re head of legal. And, um... you’re also kinda the only person left in the building that I know.

Gunn rolled his eyes but allowed a small smirk to spread across his face.

Gunn: Guess that makes me lucky. Fine, I’ll see what this guy wants.

Harmony beamed with relief. Gunn shook his head, then strolled toward Angel’s office while he adjusted his tie.

Gunn stepped inside Angel’s office to find Bud Jablonski slouched casually in a leather chair.  Bud looked completely at ease in the dimly lit room. Gunn took a second to size him up. Bud looked like someone either in trouble or causing trouble. His leather jacket smelled faintly of sweat and dirt, and his worn-out boots tapped against the floor with impatience.

Gunn: I’m Charles Gunn. Head of legal here. You looking for Angel? He’s not in.

Bud stood up and offered his hand for a shake.

Bud: Nah, not really. Not looking for one person in particular. Name’s Bud Jablonski.

Gunn shook his hand and raised an eyebrow.

Gunn: You from around here, Bud?

Bud: Not exactly. Just passing through.

Gunn: What brings you here?

Bud: Vampires. Can’t seem to avoid ‘em. Just like that one at the front desk. Blonde, kinda bubbly.

Gunn leaned against the desk. The man in front of him was clearly aware of the dark underworld that infused Los Angeles. Gunn was amused, but cautious.

Gunn: Yeah, that’s Harmony. She’s... a work in progress.

Bud: What progress? Seemed like she was all vampire to me.

Gunn studied Bud for a moment, trying to decode his intent.

Gunn: So... how much do you really know about vampires, Mr. Jablonski?

Bud shrugged innocently.

Bud: Enough to make a living off hunting them. You know how it goes, some are loners, some run in packs. They’ve all got a hunger that doesn’t quit. And if you’re in their way? You’re dead meat unless you know what you’re doing.

Gunn was impressed by Bud’s casual confidence.

Gunn: Sunlight, holy water, stakes. What are you using?

Bud: That’s the basic toolkit. Trick is figuring out which ones think they’re bulletproof and which ones actually are. What about you? Ever go after vampires or is this a vampire positive establishment?

Gunn: It’s a complicated situation here. But yeah... I’ve seen my fair share of dust. Used to make it personal. Now I have to do things differently.

Bud looked around the lavish office.

Bud: That “different way” seems to be working out for you.

Gunn gave a half-smile.

Gunn: Some days are better than others.

There was a brief silence between them, as the two hunters recognized some commonality in each other.

Gunn: So, what exactly are you here for, Mr. Jablonski?

Without a word, Bud reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a Wolfram & Hart business card. It was  slightly wrinkled and stained with blood.

Bud: Found this in the lair of a vampire named Audrey San Fernando. Took her out last week.

Gunn glanced down at the card, then back at Bud.

Gunn: Miss San Fernando? She was a lower level client of the firm. Didn’t know much about her but someone did tell me once about her big plans. Dumb stuff, thought she could start some pyramid scheme with familiars. Don’t think the Senior Partners will worry too much about losing her business.

Bud: However, they feel, she’s not coming back, I can tell you that.

Gunn crossed his arms.

Gunn: So that card brought you here?

Bud: Honestly? I was curious. Wanted to see what kind of place she was tied to. Asked around at the union, everywhere. Been hearing mixed things about this firm, some folks say you’re out here saving the world now, others say you’re just  a front to help out monsters, and working for the Devil himself.

Gunn adjusted his tie again and spoke in a professional tone.

Gunn: We walk a fine line. Sometimes, we do good in ways other people can’t see. Other times... we do what we have to.

Bud leaned forward.

Bud: That’s good to hear. Between you and me... I could use a steady gig.

Gunn: A gig? What, you came here looking for a job?

Bud grinned.

Bud: Thought I’d see if you guys were hiring. Union’s a pain in the ass, always on me for code violations. Getting real tired of it. Seems like the rules may be a bit more flexible here.

Gunn: Yeah? And what exactly do you think you can bring to the table?

Bud: Killing vamps, dealing with things that go bump in the night, keeping people safe. Been doing that for a while now.

Gunn thought for a moment.

Gunn: Look... I’m not saying you don’t have skills. But this law office isn’t exactly a “stake-and-holy-water” kinda job. And if you have a history of code violations... Not exactly what we’d call a safe hire.

Bud: I get that. But I’ve got a daughter to support. Bills to pay. And this life? It’s hard to stay ahead of it working the way I do. Surely, there could be some off the books type work here to help sustain me.

A flicker of empathy filled Gunn’s eyes, and an idea came to him.

Gunn: Look, I’ve got some discretionary funds in my department. I can use ‘em how I want.

Bud: Yeah?

Gunn: There’s still a lot of vamps out there. My old neighborhood... It's wide open now. I used to keep it safe. But these days? I don’t get out in the field much.

Bud: Well then, I’m your guy.

Gunn: Maybe. But if I’m gonna vouch for you, you gotta prove you’re better than me at killing vampires.

Bud tilted his head, intrigued.

Bud: What’re you thinking?

Gunn: There’s a clan consolidating their ranks in my old neighborhood. Angel wants me to deal with ‘em using the firm’s influence, but... I’m thinking we take ‘em out the old-fashioned way.

Bud: So, this will be like my interview?

Gunn: Pretty much. You slay more vamps than me then you get the job of our hired hunter…and the paycheck.

Bud liked the sound of this challenge and cracked his knuckles. He radiated confidence.

Bud: You’re on.

Gunn grabbed a stake from a secret compartment in Angel’s desk, and spun it smoothly between his fingers.

Gunn: Let’s see what you’ve got, old man.

Bud: Old man? Careful, kid, I might just surprise you.

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