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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Dr. Eggman
Yamcha: 4
Dr. Eggman: 1

Rumble 20960 Olivia Hart vs. Dr. Anna Ripley vs. Desumi Magahara / Reaper Princess
Olivia Hart: 0
Dr. Anna Ripley: 0
Desumi Magahara / Reaper Princess: 2

Cassie Hack vs. Tonberry
Cassie Hack: 1
Tonberry: 2

Rumble 20955 Sterling Archer vs. Gustave
Sterling Archer: 0
Gustave: 1

Art the Clown vs. Jack The Clown
Art the Clown: 0
Jack The Clown: 3

Match 20970 Glory (Image) vs. Glory (Buffyverse)


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Glory (Image)


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The ruins of a condemned building in Sunnydale set the stage for a broken battlefield. Rubble littered the ground and a trail of broken bodies led directly to the center, where Glorificus, the hell dimension goddess more commonly known as Glory, stood triumphant. She wore a twisted grin on her face. Buffy Summers gasped for breath, her arms trembled as she held her shattered axe. Blood dripped from her temple and stained the dirt below. Around her, Spike, Willow, Xander, and Tara all lay crumpled, each of them battered and defeated.

Glory’s bright red dress remained pristine, untouched by the battle's brutality, save for a small tear where Buffy had barely grazed her shoulder. The goddess of madness flicked a lock of hair behind her ear and exhaled in mock exhaustion.

“Seriously, this is the best you can do?” Glorificus musedt. “I expected... more. You’re supposed to be the Slayer, right? Some kind of mystical badass?" She crouched down to Buffy's level.  "And this is all you’ve got?”

Buffy pushed herself up onto her knees. She  gritted her teeth. 

“Go to hell!” 

Glorificus rolled her eyes dramatically. “I will once I find that key, and then you will all join me.” She looked at her nails. "Now that this little warm-up is done I can continue my search. I should thank you, though…humans are so fragile. A little reminder of just how fragile is always nice.”

Spike had one eye swollen shut. He spoke up from the ground. “Y-you’ll… g-get yours, you trollop…”

Glory snapped her fingers with delight. “Spike! The annoying little gnat..” With a blur of motion, she grabbed Spike by the throat and yanked him into the air. “Honestly, what even are you really at this point, vampire? pet? accessory? I guess it doesn’t really matter,” She smirked and threw him across the room like a ragdoll. His body smashed into a column.

Buffy lunged forward and swung what remained of her axe, but Glory was too fast. With a flick of her wrist, the goddess caught the weapon mid-swing, tore it from Buffy’s grip, and shattered it in her hands like glass. 

"You don’t get it, do you, Buffy? You’re not going to win. Not now, not ever. You can try as hard as you want, but in the end... you’re just a mortal." She tapped Buffy's forehead with a finger, and sent her sprawling backward. "And I’m a god."

Willow tried to build up the strength to muster a spell, but with a casual swipe, Glorificus sent her crashing into the wall and she fell unconscious. 

"Such a shame. I was really hoping one of you would put up a fight.” Glorificus turned on her heel and began walking away. “Oh well. I’ll give the privilege of slowly bleeding out together. You can thank me later.”

With that, Glorificus vanished in a blur, leaving the Scooby Gang in critical condition..

A few states over, the bell above the door jingled as Gloria West set down two plates of greasy fries. Gloria didn’t pay it too much mind at first, another faceless customer, but the figure who slid into her booth immediately grabbed her attention. A man in a sharp black suit, with eyes that burned too bright for any human, they were demonic eyes.

“Ms. West,” he said smoothly. “We need to talk.”

Gloria sighed. “If this is some Hell business, you can take it elsewhere. I don’t work with demons.”

The man’s demeanor did not change. “I’m not just any demon, and this isn’t just any problem.” He leaned forward.. “We need your help to stop Glorificus.”

Gloria was unmoved. “The banished goddess? Not my problem. Tell Hell to find someone else to clean up their mess.”

“We have tried. We thought the Order of Dagon would succeed in hiding the dimensional key or the Knights of Byzantium would succeed in destroying it. Glorificus annihilated them both. There was even a vampire slayer with a good track record that got involved. But it would appear she wasn’t up to the task,” said the emissary. “So now we turn to you, daughter of Lord Silverfall, ruler of demons.”

Gloria glared at the emissary.. “I want nothing to do with you or him, that is not my path.”

The emissary sat back. “Whether or not it is your path, it is your problem. What do you think will happen if Glorificus finds the key and uses it to go back to her dimension? It will break the veil between worlds, Hell will reign on earth. Do you want to be partly responsible for that by doing nothing?”

For a long moment, Gloria continued to stare at him. Finally, she let out a sigh of frustration and resignation.

“Where is she?” Gloria asked.

“Sunnydale, California,” The emissary replied with a satisfied grin.

Gloria tossed her apron onto the counter and stepped outside. In a flash of golden light, her waitress uniform melted away, replaced by armor and bracers etched with intricate designs. Her form shimmered and shifted into the towering; godlike Amazonian warrior known as Glory.

“I’m on my way, Sunnydale,” she announced. 

She walked over to a nearby fountain and used it to teleport..Soon after, Glory with a resounding thud next to the crumpled forms of Buffy and her Scooby Gang. Her judgmental gaze swept over them. Dirt, blood, and broken weapons surrounded the barely conscious group. Spike lay sprawled against a brick wall, clutching his ribs, while Buffy tried to push herself up from the pavement.

Glory crossed her arms and let out an exaggerated sigh. “This is just embarrassing. Seriously? Who thought this sad collection of warriors would work against a god?”

Buffy coughed up some blood. “Nice to meet you too, Amazon Barbie. Are you here to finish the job or just insult us?”

“Cute.” Glory crouched beside her and flipped Buffy’s limp arm with a finger. “The name is Glory.”

Buffy’s eyes widened.

“Not that Glory,” the hero continued. “I came here to put a stop to her. So you won’t have to worry about her anymore.  But, you guys clearly need help.”

Buffy pushed herself upright and leaned against a wall. “Don’t worry about us. You need to get to the other Glory before it’s too late.”

Glory scoffed. “I’ll get some real help down here. I’ll have Athena Bright and the other  Danger Damsels come here to help you regroup and to watch your backs until this is over.”

Spike contorted  his face in disbelief.  “Danger Damsels? That sounds made up.”

Buffy glanced over at him. “I know, right? Who names these people?”

“They’re very real, and they’re good at cleaning up messes like this,” said Glory. “They’ll keep you alive while I deal with Glorificus.”

Willow, now having regained consciousness, managed a half-smile. “Saved by the Danger Damsels... Yeah, that tracks. This is officially the weirdest apocalypse.”

Glory stood up. “Just try not to die before they get here, okay? I really don’t have the time to come here and pick up your slack if you don’t make it.”

Buffy leaned her head back and winced. “Oh, don’t mind us. We’ll just hang out, maybe bleed to death a little.”

Glory smiled. “Good plan.”

Glory flew through the night and located the penthouse Glorificus was using. Inside, Glorificus was being fawned over by her demonic minions.

“You are unstoppable!” one minion hissed.

“The Slayer is battered,” another chimed in. “The witch, the vampire, the knights, the monks, all of them, defeated! No one can stand in your way, Glorificus! The Key will be yours!”

Their unceasing adoration put a smile on the face of Glorificus.

“Of course it will. And when I finally obtain the Key...” She trailed her fingers through her hair. “All of existence will bow before me.”

Suddenly, the front door exploded inward.and Glory stepped in with a confident expression radiating on her face.

“Your plans end here!” Glory declared.

Glorificus’s minions hissed in fear and scrambled toward her for protection. One snarled and lunged at Glory. Without even breaking stride, Glory caught the demon mid-air, spun him like a discus, and hurled him into the far wall.

Another minion charged her from behind with a jagged blade, but Glory spun on her heel and stopped his attack with her sword. She struck him with a kick to his ribs and then cut him down.

"Next," she announced.

A wave of Glorificus's twisted followers rushed her from all sides. With a fluid motion, Glory clapped her hands together and sent out a shockwave that threw the demons off their feet. The ground cracked under the force of the attack, and the air shimmered with residual energy. Glory moved like an aggressive force of nature and one by one, Glorificus's minions fell in a heap of shattered bones and broken wills. Glory wiped her hands as the last demon crumpled to the ground.

“The Amazonian demon half breed freak,” Glorficus taunted. “Do you really think you are on my level?”

“You are about to find out.” Glory then hesitated for a moment. “Do you really intend to fight in a designer dress?”

Glorificus chuckled. “I haven’t come across a reason yet for me not to.”

“I’m going to enjoy punching in that smug face, Hell reject,” said Glory.

“And I’m going to enjoy having you kiss my feet once I regain my rightful place,” responded Glorificus.

The two mighty women then came to blows.

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