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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Dr. Eggman
Yamcha: 4
Dr. Eggman: 1

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Match 20975 Suzaku Kururugi vs. Astrotrain

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Suzaku Kururugi


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Megastory 27.6


Previously: Discovering a mole at Autobot City, the human support that helped the Autobots operate on Earth, lead a strike team against MECH, the organization of whom the mole worked. Captain Lennox found MECH’s leader- Silas- and threatened to bring him in dead or alive.



Silas ended up going in dead as Lennox had threatened.

Now that his organization MECH was dismantled the Autobots could focus on the Decepticon threat.

The code that Chip Chase had deciphered was all but useless because the Decepticons simply changed their encryptioning. However, they did get some personnell information. A list of Decepticons active on Earth. No one was foolish enough to think that it was a complete list but they had least had something to go off of.

As they were preparing their hits, The Autobots got notification that someone else was already on one of their suspected targets.


* * * * * *


Astrotrain liked the solitude. Sure he had a pal, sure he believed the Decepticon cause. But sometimes it was nice to leave it all behind.

Running the human rail system, he didn’t even have to pay attention. It was a sweet job.


* * * * * *


“Target sighted.” the tactical coordinator reported.

“The train. Really?” One of the operatives scoffed.

“We’re pretty sure. Early encounters with them inspired the moniker ‘robots in disguise’ because they turn into mundane things a lot. We get hostile and they get lethal. Even without transforming.”



* * * * * *


Are they watching me? Astrontrain wondered. A military convoy had set up beside the train tracks. He, of course, couldn’t just slow down and stop but one he passed the convoy he realized he didn’t have to stop. They simply started following him.

For the first minute or so, the humans seemed to observe only, but then they started poking at him. Their scans actually effected him, glitching some of his gears. Eventually, he had enough and retaliated.

A gun turret extracted from the roof aimed at the following convoy.

Astrotrain almost spoke out a warning but figured he had broken his cover enough already. The boss should excuse this if they backed off and he stayed on mission.



* * * * * * *


Normally, this sort of prodding wouldn’t even register to conductors in a train engine and for a gun turret to amazingly come out of the roof…

“This has got to be one of them!” An operative exclaimed. “If anything, some goons would have come out to confront us.”

“Agreed.” said the mission leader. “Kururugi, you’re on.”

Suzaku Kururugi was one of those child soldiers that hadn’t gone to the dark side. He was an operative for the Britannia branch of the defense force. While not officially connected to Great Britain, Britannia was had the most influence in this organization so they attached their name to it. Wherever the old British empire reached, Britannina recruited members. While Japan never actually came under Britain, it had influence so it was fair game.

His scanner did give off strange readings so Suzuka was in agreement that he had better move in. The rollers of his Lancelot Knightmare Frame weren’t configured to railways but he still rode the tracks coming up behind the suspicious train.


* * * * * *


The approaching human mecha, charged an insult in Astrotrain that he couldn’t smother. The gun turret suddenly came to be gripped by a hand. That hand became attached to an arm. The arm that was connected to the train a second ago was now attached to a torso. Before anyone knew it, a huge Decepticon stood in from of the Lancelot. He was so much bigger than Suzaku knightmare frame that onlookers got nervous.

Whatever backup that might be in place wasn’t visible so Suzaku surmised that he had this robot alien all to himself.


Fight Parameters:


Suzaku Kururugi piloting the Lancelot Knightmare Frame is solo in taking down Astrotrain.


Astrostrain is on a delivery mission and has already broken code transforming into robot mode but he better know let this get out of hand and draw more attention nor get captured. So he’s motivated to win and win quickly and quietly.



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