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Megastory 8.10


Previously: After the Dominators defeated then absorbed the Dominion, malcontents began to rise up. Lead by Odo, these rebels teamed with Triceraton rebels and they set out to defect as one group.



Being stranded on the space colony wasn’t all so bad. Commander Sheppard and the crew took some R&R even with the nagging loss of their new friend Marcus Cole. The Ranger had been taken by the Starjammers and with their ship destroyed, there was no way to pursue them.

Finally, a pick up arrived. A new ship christened the Normandy II. Upon settling in, a new mission came in from the Citadel. A group of defectors from the Alliance of Evil needed picking up.

The operation was uneventful, and The Normandy took Odo and the Triceratons to Babylon 5 rather than the Citadel. It was after all the hub for interplanetary negotiations.

Debriefings took a long time but a lot of information was offered.

They knew about Shao Khan and Zedd.

Most interesting was the Tameranian princess Blackfire. She was involved early on if not from the beginning but she served in a lesser capacity than those such as Shao Khan and Zedd.

Odo was aware of a campaign in which Blackfire lead against the planet Mongo. It’s ruler- Ming the Merciless- defied the Alliance of Evil thus incurring their resentment. Blackfire was charged with showing Ming just what he had turned down.

Her main army was the Khunds. They joined with the Alliance of Evil simply because the knew a winner when they saw one. Better to serve their cause than to suffer their wrath. The Dominion became a prime example when they fell to the Dominators.

Knowledge of this gave prudent minds the bling of opportunity. They could interrupt this campaign save a world and distribute another blow to the Alliance of Evil.

The Khund were competent conquers. But they were not good at expansion. Every time they ran into another galactic power, they were beat back, stalemated, or redirected to another target.

It was a joke among The Romulans, Mimbari and other Milky Way centered galactic powers that Khunds served as practice enemies for their troops and military strategists.

The Normandy II was part of a larger force but its mission was more specified. While the main force engaged the Khund fleet and Commander Sheppard was responsible for destroying the Negaton bomb suspected to be housed on the mothership. Its destructive power and the effects of it workings was not something anyone one wanted. Not even when used against a tyrant like Ming.

It was decided that an insertion team would go on board, confirm the presence of the Negaton bomb, disable or destroy it. And then return to the Normandy II and destroy the Mothership.



Fight Parameters:


The Normandy crew has to-


1. Insert a team onto the Khund mothership.


2. Locate the Negaton bomb and disable or destroy it.


3. Return to the Normandy II and destroy the Mothership (with the aid of the rest of the fleet).


The Khunds win if they can stop any of this from happening.


I would guess a Khund mothership would have 1 or 2 thousand personnel along with cyber defenses and stuff.


The Normandy crew has access to anybody who serves on the ship during any of the games. Take your pick.


Learn More About
Normandy Crew
Read more about Normandy Crew at Wikipedia
Official Site: Bioware Links: Wikipedia

Read more about Khunds at Wikipedia
Official Site: DC Comics Links: Wikipedia


If the Normandy team has pick of any of their members, then I'd say they have this in the bag. Destroying a mothership isn't entirely new to them or out of the question. They may lose a member or two, but I think they manage the mission.

Nice continuation of the story.


IDK Khunds give The Legion problems sometimes. 


I agree. I think Khunds are a step up from Krogans, a mile long step up, and if there are a thousand to two thousand on said ship the Normandy Crew is going to get their ass whooped. They will live, but suffer heavy, HEAVY losses.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
3.90 - JohnnyChany
4.40 - SSJRuss
5.00 - Boratz
4.00 - Macklemore

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
17.30 Total Combined Score
17.30 / 4 = 4.33 Final Rating on the match

Normandy Crew: 2
Khunds: 3

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