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Chris Washington vs. Otis 'OJ' Haywood, Jr.
Chris Washington: 1
Otis \'OJ\' Haywood, Jr.: 0

Lori Quaid vs. Juno Skinner
Lori Quaid: 2
Juno Skinner: 3

Kirsty Cotton vs. Sienna Shaw
Kirsty Cotton: 2
Sienna Shaw: 1

Rumble 21294 Deadpool (Fox movie) vs. Zombies (Return of the Living Dead)
Deadpool: 1
Zombies (Return of the Living Dead): 0

Rumble 21293 Doomguy vs. Master Chief
Doomguy: 3
Master Chief: 1

Rumble 21292 Deadpool (live-action Fox movie) vs. The Evil Dead
Deadpool: 2
The Evil Dead: 0

Batman vs. The Homelander
Batman: 4
The Homelander: 2

Rumble 21288 Nena Trinity vs. Taiga Aisaka
Nena Trinity: 3
Taiga Aisaka: 1

Tournament - Son Goku vs. Superman
Son Goku: 1
Superman: 2

Rumble 21287 Floronic Man vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Wirewolf
Floronic Man: 1
Ultimate Warrior: 0
Wirewolf : 0

Chris Washington vs. Otis 'OJ' Haywood, Jr.
Chris Washington: 1
Otis \'OJ\' Haywood, Jr.: 0

Lori Quaid vs. Juno Skinner
Lori Quaid: 2
Juno Skinner: 3

Kirsty Cotton vs. Sienna Shaw
Kirsty Cotton: 2
Sienna Shaw: 1

Rumble 21294 Deadpool (Fox movie) vs. Zombies (Return of the Living Dead)
Deadpool: 1
Zombies (Return of the Living Dead): 0

Rumble 21293 Doomguy vs. Master Chief
Doomguy: 3
Master Chief: 1

Rumble 21292 Deadpool (live-action Fox movie) vs. The Evil Dead
Deadpool: 2
The Evil Dead: 0

Batman vs. The Homelander
Batman: 4
The Homelander: 2

Rumble 21288 Nena Trinity vs. Taiga Aisaka
Nena Trinity: 3
Taiga Aisaka: 1

Tournament - Son Goku vs. Superman
Son Goku: 1
Superman: 2

Rumble 21287 Floronic Man vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Wirewolf
Floronic Man: 1
Ultimate Warrior: 0
Wirewolf : 0

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It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities.

Creating Alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and ponder the question....






New York City, New York

8: 01 A.M.

A blonde man by the name Johnny Storm, also known as the super hero The Human Torch, would be having himself some breakfast, a simple bowl of frosted cereal, as he had a large smirk on his face. 

He would live in a building with three other super heroic beings, three of them known to have powers of their own.

Reed Richards, A.K.A Mr. Fantastic, had high level intellect and intelligence along with the power to stretch his body as far as the eye can see.

Susan Storm, A.K.A. The Invisible Woman, had the ability to create forcefields as well as becoming invisible.

The young man introduced earlier as his name sake suggests, is able to create fire and become engulfed in it without any harm done to himself. 

The Fourth and final one we are going to be talking about, would be awakened by a large splash of water, echoing the room before large foot stomps would echo right after.

The young man would watch as a large, hulking figure would walk into the kitchen, wet from head to toe along with some seaweed hanging and draped over his rock like body.

"Well well well, look who decided to wake up early! I didn't know you had early swim meets, other wise I woudl have joined!" Johnny would say in jest.

The man he was talking to was Ben Grimm, A.K.A. The Thing. A man that changed for the better and for the worst. His body transformed into this walking pile of rock, a stone like substance that can withstand atomization, nuclear blasts and even the vacuum of space. But because of his monstrous feature, many still fear him from his look alone.

Ben would growl, dusting off a piece of seaweed dangling from his eyebrow before speaking. 

"Just watch hot head, you're gonna get yours soon enough..."

Reed would be walking into the kitchen, placing what seemed like the coffee machine that went missing a week ago on the kitchen counter. Or at least...that's what it looked like. 

"Gentlemen, wich one of you had been touching my inventions again?"

Johnny would scratch his head and look at the machine in confusion. "Wait, you made that? I thought that was the new coffee machine after Ben broke the other one?"

Reed sighed while Ben let out a guffaw. "Johnny, this isn't a coffee machine. This is supposed to be a new form of transportation. This is supposed to rearrange a living beings particles in a beam of concentrated light so it would be---"

Reed got interrupted as Ben pressed a button with a large, stone finger, making it release a cloud of steam before making the room smell like coffee. Ben then grabbed a mug and poured out a black, hot liquid from the machine into the mug before taking a large drink.

"Aaaah...yup, that tastes like Columbian alright." Ben said with a proud smile, taking another sip before Reed looked at it once more.

Now at this moment, what would have happened was that the machine broke because of it being used for something it wasn't meant for, making Ben walk out and try to by another coffee machine for the team along with fighting The Rhino once he spotted him robbing a bank.

But this is a tale that would take a left to Albuquerque instead of right. Reeds machine would begin to make a loud beeping noise, something it was not meant to do. Then lights started to shine, shaking violently. Reed would hurry and try to fix it, but it kept on shaking harder and harder, making it much more difficult to work on.

Johnny Storm would look in panic. "Reed, shut that thing off! That thing's gonna blow up!"

Reed kept tinkering, but it didn't look like it was doing anything. "I'm trying! I thought I made the right calculations, something is making it react violently to the caffeinated beverage!!"

Ben was all too familiar with moments like this, so he grabbed the machine and pushed Reed towards Johnny. "Take cover, Stretch! Bombs away!" He tossed it as hard as he could, but unfortunately the H.E.R.B.I.E. robot flew by and bounced back, hitting The Thing on it's stone chest.


With a large flash, the machine blinded all three and deafened them to boot. The implosion from the machine was strong, knocking the two away and into the kitchen cabinets. 

After a while, the two would wake up and notice that a certain rocky figure was missing. 

"Uh, Reed?" Johnny asked. "Just what was it that thing was supposed to do exactly?"

Ancient Greece
8:10 A.M.

Ben Grimm feel groggy, like he just went on the largest bar hopping quest in his life. He rubbed his head, feeling a little under the wether as he opened his eyes to find himself in an alley way. Odd, maybe that thing was supposed to be some sort of piece of defense equipment and shot him across NEw York? Certainly sounded like New York, what with the bustling people he heard. Getting up, he found a news paper on the ground only to find it was made of...stone?

Taking a better look, he noticed that the letters looked like something out of college.

"Huh. Either this is a fraternity project, or I'm in Greece."

He tossed it aside and went walking out of the alley way, thinking he was gonna be greeted by the same NEw York he loved: Bustling buisness, cops ticketing jay walkers and the occasional greeting from Spidey.

Instead he was greeted by people in togas, guys driving in horse-drawn chariots and people shouting at him, pointing at him.

Well, one out of three at least sounds familiar.

He walked over to what seemed like a news stand, trying to make heads or tales where he was exactly. Looks like the lettering was all in English, just that they were in the style of old Greek lettering. 

The headline read something about Hercules saving a bunch of kids from being eating by a few stray lions...Wait, Hercules? Hey, Ben knew him!

Ben looked at the guy working at the stand and spoke, making him snap out of his fearfull stupor. "Hey smart guy, know where I can find ol' Herc?"

The News stand worker looked at him in confusion, not expecting him to speak let alone speak so casually to him. "Y-Y-You mean you're not a golem??"

Ben chuckled lightly, making the stand worker a little more confused. "Nah, I'm just a pilot! Can you get me to look for Hercules? Maybe he can help me out of a pickle."

Before he could get an answer out of the new stand vendor, Ben was sent flying by what felt like a punch to the face.

He crashed into a stone pillar, making it collapse onto him for a moment before he got up from the pile, spitting out a rock.

Seeing a large figure  in the cloud of dust from the wreckage, Ben smiled. "Great, finally! I was hopping you could get me oughta here!" He then noticed the shadowy figure was a bit more slim, shorter. "You lose weight? Last I checked, you were big bustling son of a---"

Another punch sent him through a house, the entire establishment collapsing onto him like the pillar. This time it took him a longer time to get out of the wreckage, but this time he got a better look at who hit him.

Red hair, blue cape, and much, much younger looking. "Wait a minute, you ain't Hercules."

The young man stopped in his tracks and looked in confusion. "Excuse me? I'll have you know, that was a name I was given to at birth! You can even check out my I.D.!"

Taking it out, it looked to be stone too. Seems like that's a theme here...So Ben got up and took a step closer to see the picture was really cruddy. This made Ben laugh. "Gee kid, you ever hear of a comb? Why don't you pay for a new one?"

Hercules sighed, pocketing it. "Yeah yeah, I know! But the price has gone up from one hundred drachma to--Hey, don't distract me! I heard there was a golem wrecking the place! And I'm here to stop you!"

Ben raised an eyebrow and looked at the damage around him. "Yeah, you did most of that kid. Ever hear of pulling your punches!?"

Hercules then threw another punch, but instead of hitting Ben square in the jaw, he grabbed it before Hercules' knuckles could connect.

"Okay kid, I've had it up to here! I was looking for the real Hercules to help me oughta here, but since you wanna square up? You got it!"

Ben shot a punch straight to Hercule's chest, knocking him back into the street, creating a small crater. Hercules would look up at the orange rock man, trying to get his footing from that punch. "What are you?"

"Ben Grimm. But you can call me The Thing!"

He cracked his knuckles, smiling at Hercules with an excited look in his eyes.

"And it's Clobberin' Time!"
Learn More About
The Thing
Read more about The Thing at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia: The Thing The Marvel Directory: The Thing Marvel.com: The Thing

Hercules (Disney)
Read more about Hercules (Disney) at Wikipedia
Official Site: Disney Links: Hercules Wikipedia page Hercules (the movie) Wikipedia Hercules imdb page


Decent set up and I like the idea of these two fighting. Going with Ben here as this seems like younger Hercules. Older Herc and Thing would've been closer IMO. 


Hercules should have this. I don't think Thing has the sheer raw strength needed to tussle with somebody who grabbed a tornado and threw it into far away space. Hercules is 20 steps ahead when it comes to strength. Thing *might* have skill, and it's a big might, only if Hercules hasn't met Phil yet.


I guess it's pre-training Herc so Ben should take this. Too bad. I really wanted to go with Herc.


Heh, good tourney entry, Gizmo. It kinda reads like Stan Lee himself were narrating a Fantastic Four adventure in an RP style. 

As for the match? Ah, I wish I had seen Disney's Hercules by now, both the movie and the TV show. The movie is next up on my Disney animated film watchlist (though I've been saying that for over a year now, heh 😅).

I have seen clips of Herc in action in the movie, as well as played in his world in Kingdom Hearts I and II, and if this is him from the film, I'd have to agree that Ben may be overmatched. I can't tell myself, though, since I haven't seen the film or the show, so I'll have to abstain from the vote on this one. 


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Macklemore
4.60 - DSkillz
4.20 - ThePhenomenalOne
5.00 - GalanDun
4.70 - Boratz
5.00 - Pizza Guy
4.80 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
7 Total Votes cast
32.80 Total Combined Score
32.80 / 7 = 4.69 Final Rating on the match

The Thing: 5
Hercules (Disney): 4

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