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Chris Washington vs. Otis 'OJ' Haywood, Jr.
Chris Washington: 1
Otis \'OJ\' Haywood, Jr.: 0

Lori Quaid vs. Juno Skinner
Lori Quaid: 2
Juno Skinner: 3

Kirsty Cotton vs. Sienna Shaw
Kirsty Cotton: 2
Sienna Shaw: 1

Rumble 21294 Deadpool (Fox movie) vs. Zombies (Return of the Living Dead)
Deadpool: 1
Zombies (Return of the Living Dead): 0

Rumble 21293 Doomguy vs. Master Chief
Doomguy: 3
Master Chief: 1

Rumble 21292 Deadpool (live-action Fox movie) vs. The Evil Dead
Deadpool: 2
The Evil Dead: 0

Batman vs. The Homelander
Batman: 4
The Homelander: 2

Rumble 21288 Nena Trinity vs. Taiga Aisaka
Nena Trinity: 3
Taiga Aisaka: 1

Tournament - Son Goku vs. Superman
Son Goku: 1
Superman: 2

Rumble 21287 Floronic Man vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Wirewolf
Floronic Man: 1
Ultimate Warrior: 0
Wirewolf : 0

Chris Washington vs. Otis 'OJ' Haywood, Jr.
Chris Washington: 1
Otis \'OJ\' Haywood, Jr.: 0

Lori Quaid vs. Juno Skinner
Lori Quaid: 2
Juno Skinner: 3

Kirsty Cotton vs. Sienna Shaw
Kirsty Cotton: 2
Sienna Shaw: 1

Rumble 21294 Deadpool (Fox movie) vs. Zombies (Return of the Living Dead)
Deadpool: 1
Zombies (Return of the Living Dead): 0

Rumble 21293 Doomguy vs. Master Chief
Doomguy: 3
Master Chief: 1

Rumble 21292 Deadpool (live-action Fox movie) vs. The Evil Dead
Deadpool: 2
The Evil Dead: 0

Batman vs. The Homelander
Batman: 4
The Homelander: 2

Rumble 21288 Nena Trinity vs. Taiga Aisaka
Nena Trinity: 3
Taiga Aisaka: 1

Tournament - Son Goku vs. Superman
Son Goku: 1
Superman: 2

Rumble 21287 Floronic Man vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Wirewolf
Floronic Man: 1
Ultimate Warrior: 0
Wirewolf : 0

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Round 1: Match 4







Inside the darkened halls of Westin Hills Mental Institution, shadows extended and stretched, twisting into grotesque shapes. Nancy Thompson stood firm; her fists clenched as echoes of accusatory voices from the parents of slain children rang through the halls.

MRS. GRAY: You let him kill my son! You should have stopped him!

MR. PARKER: We trusted you, Nancy! And you failed us!

Nancy remained steady and unwavering

NANCY: I did everything I could. Freddy was a monster, and I fought him with everything I had. I’m not carrying your guilt. Not anymore.

The shadows and echoes of her past merged and swirled into a towering form. Vecna stepped forward; his grotesque body being captured by the light. 

VECNA: Such bravery. Such resolve. But everyone breaks, Nancy. Even you.

He stepped closer, his elongated fingers reached out toward her.

VECNA: Your defiance only sweetens the moment when you shatter.

Suddenly, strains of music echoed through the void, soft and insistent:

🎵 If you're lost, you can look, and you will find me... Time after time... 🎵

Nancy’s head snapped toward an opening portal.

NANCY: Not today.

The portal of light ripped through the oppressive darkness, and Nancy stepped through it.

🎵 If you fall, I will catch you, I’ll be waiting... Time after time... 🎵

She emerged in her trailer, gasping for air, as Steve Harrington stood by with the Walkman. Relief flooded his face.

STEVE: I know you weren’t even floating yet, but I’m not taking any chances.

Nancy took a second to catch her breath.

NANCY: That is a good call, we need to be smart in our approach. I did realize something when I talked to him.

STEVE: What’s that?

NANCY: He feeds on guilt, Steve. Like Freddy fed on fear. If you let it go, it weakens his hold on you.

STEVE: So... how do we use that to beat him?

Nancy sighed.

NANCY: I don't know yet. But we’re not done fighting.




Alice stood in a grim vision of her brother Rick’s funeral. The mourners’ faces blurred around her, save for one. Vecna whispered close to her ear.

VECNA: You are the supposed Dream Master. You have tried to protect so many children, yet you couldn’t even save your own brother. How many more will die because of your weakness?

Alice turned sharply, her eyes blazing.

ALICE: It is true that despite the ones I’ve saved, so many others were still lost. But I still fight. You won’t make me doubt myself.

VECNA: Does the endless fighting not make you tired, Alice? Fighting, always fighting. The burden you put on yourself must wear you down. I can end your pain, your suffering, once you become part of me.

A realization struck Alice.

ALICE: Part of you? You consume your victims.

VECNA: I free them. And they all remain right here.

Vecna pointed at his head. 

ALICE: Another monster who feeds on souls. I will find a way to set them free, so they can rest in peace.

Alice readied herself to fight.

ALICE:  I’m not going to be a part of you, I’m going to defeat you!

She launched herself at him. Alice was able to summon fragments of her dream powers into her subconscious. After an acrobatic move, she kicked Vecna into a nearby headstone, shattering it into pieces. Vecna used his telekinetic powers to throw the fragments of headstone at Alice. She dodged the debris, and a shimmering nunchaku materialized in her hands as she resumed her attack. Vecna countered her advance with telekinetic force and slammed her hard against the wall.

VECNA: Futile.

Alice struggled against his power, but Vecna’s strength was overwhelming. His hand clamped over her face.

In her trailer, Eddie Munson watched Alice’s body float, her eyes blank.

EDDIE: No, no, no!

He hit play on the Walkman. The strains of music jolted Alice from her Vecna induced haze. She broke free from his grasp and eyed her escape. She went to hit Vecna one more time, but the being once known as Henry Creel reasserted his power and slammed her again against the wall. He placed his hand once again over her face.

Back inside the trailer, Alice’s body twisted unnaturally. Her bones snapped and her eyes sunk into the back of her head as Eddie screamed in horror.




Elvira and Randy Meeks appeared, and Elvira shivered dramatically.

ELVIRA: Yikes! I’ve never seen a body modification go so horribly wrong.

RANDY: Alice put up a good fight, but this challenge shows why overconfidence is a killer. Nancy played it smart and waited for her moment. As a result, she lasted the longest.

ELVIRA: We could possibly have an enticing battle of Nancys in our future, boys and girls, but for now we focus on the present. In the fourth first round match of the Final Girl Face-Off we have Sienna Shaw, the angel-winged avenger from Miles County, New York against the living legacy of the original Ghostface, Samantha Carpenter.

RANDY: In my opinion, both are new-gen scream queen icons, which is the main reason they were pitted against one another. And their challenge comes from an overlooked gem from the past.

ELVIRA: Fabulous, it’s important for these new arriving horror fans to know their history. Tell them more.

RANDY: Okay, class, settle in. Today’s lecture is on one of the most underrated horror villains of all time: The Tall Man from the Phantasm series. You might know him as the creepy mortician with a bad attitude and a love for turning corpses into pint-sized zombie minions. But trust me, there’s a lot more to unpack here.

ELVIRA: Oh, Randy, do go on. I love a man who can monologue about the macabre.

RANDY: The Tall Man—real name Jebediah Morningside—started out as a perfectly normal 19th-century mortician. That is, until he got curious about the afterlife. Like all great horror villains, he couldn’t leave well enough alone and built a portal to another dimension. And guess what? Bad idea.

ELVIRA: Who would’ve thought? ‘Portal to another dimension’ screams ‘good vibes only.

RANDY: When Jebediah stepped through, he came back... different. His humanity got replaced by whatever twisted essence controls him now. He became this cold, calculating force of evil, hell-bent on turning the dead into his slaves to serve him.

ELVIRA: Talk about a bad career change.

RANDY: Oh, it gets worse. The Tall Man has an arsenal of tools to terrorize you. First, there are the Sentinel Spheres, which are floating, metallic orbs of death. These things have blades, drills, lasers, you name it. If you’re in his mausoleum and hear that metallic whirring sound? It’s likely already too late.

Elvira mock shuddered.

ELVIRA: Ooh, chills. What else is in his nightmare toolkit?

RANDY: Glad you asked. His Gravers are reanimated corpses…basically zombie henchmen. And then there are the Lurkers, his creepy dwarf soldiers made from shrunken-down corpses. They’re fast, sneaky, and stronger than they look. Think of them as Oompa-Loompas from hell. With them he strives for control and domination over everything. He will stop at nothing to keep building his undead army.

Elvira grinned.

ELVIRA: So, a control freak with a penchant for DIY body modifications. Sounds like my last ex.

RANDY: Sienna and Samantha will definitely have their hands full trying to outlast and defeat him.

ELVIRA: As a kicker many of their dead friends and family will show up as Lurkers, courtesy of our lovely tournament organizers allowing the Tall Man access to their corpses. These Final Girls will be hitting the emotional jackpot with this challenge.

RANDY: Psychological damage is guaranteed. And I know we should be impartial hosts, but I’ve got my money on Samantha. She babysat and befriended my niece and nephew, she’s practically family.

Elvira lifted an eyebrow.

ELVIRA: Didn’t her grandmother stab you to death?

RANDY: I try not to dwell on that.

ELVIRA: Hmmm. Well, enough from us let’s get this challenge underway at the mausoleum.




Samantha and Sienna stood in the eerie silence of the mausoleum. Its walls were lined with crypts. A figure approached them from the darkness. It was Mike Pearson, a fixation for the Tall Man, looking somber.

MIKE: The Powers that Be behind the tournament have brought me here to fill you in on the Tall Man. He doesn’t play fair. Watch out for the spheres, they’ll drill right through your skull. His minions are strong but slow.

Mike told both Sienna and Samantha everything he knew about the Tall Man and what horrors awaited them. When he was done, he wished them luck. The Final Girls exchanged determined nods. Mike then disappeared, the shadows deepened, the air grew colder, and the challenge began.

Learn More About
Sienna Shaw
Read more about Sienna Shaw at Wikipedia
Official Site: Fuzz on the Lens Productions Links: Wikipedia

Sam Carpenter
Read more about Sam Carpenter at Wikipedia
Official Site: Paramount Pictures Links: Wikipedia


Great arc. Sienna takes this, she's been through much worse and also has the supernatural connection. 


While I haven't watched the Terrifier movies and have no desire to, I would agree that Sienna has this. She has faced and survived the supernatural entity of Art on multiple occasions 


Agreed. She's actively thrown Art around, don't think throwing around the bumbling idiots under a Ghostface mask count for much.


Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Macklemore
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Sienna Shaw: 3
Sam Carpenter: 0

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