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Tournament - Cleatus  vs. Chewbacca
Cleatus : 1
Chewbacca: 4

Tournament - Dwight Schrute vs. Johnny Lawrence
Dwight Schrute: 1
Johnny Lawrence: 4

Calamity Jane (The Legend of Calamity Jane) vs. Rawhide Kid
Calamity Jane (The Legend of Calamity Jane): 1
Rawhide Kid: 2

Sienna Shaw vs. Sam Carpenter
Sienna Shaw: 3
Sam Carpenter: 0

Rumble 21221 Phosphorus Rex vs. Doctor Phosphorus  vs. Helm Hammerhand
Phosphorus Rex: 0
Doctor Phosphorus : 1
Helm Hammerhand: 0

Tournament - Cleatus  vs. Chewbacca
Cleatus : 1
Chewbacca: 4

Tournament - Dwight Schrute vs. Johnny Lawrence
Dwight Schrute: 1
Johnny Lawrence: 4

Calamity Jane (The Legend of Calamity Jane) vs. Rawhide Kid
Calamity Jane (The Legend of Calamity Jane): 1
Rawhide Kid: 2

Sienna Shaw vs. Sam Carpenter
Sienna Shaw: 3
Sam Carpenter: 0

Rumble 21221 Phosphorus Rex vs. Doctor Phosphorus  vs. Helm Hammerhand
Phosphorus Rex: 0
Doctor Phosphorus : 1
Helm Hammerhand: 0

You Be The Judge
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Time Force Megazord

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I am Lord Zedd: Part 14


So, I'm sure you know the story by now; I'm Venom 2009, who happens to be in the body of Lord Zedd. The Chamber of Command had become a war zone. My minions and I were watching the Zeo Putty Rangers fight the Time Force Power Rangers. I smiled evilly as the Zeo Rangers were winning the fight. They even managed to kill the Quantum Ranger.

The five remaining Time Force Rangers were forced to regroup. “You’re going to pay for killing our friend!” The Red Time Force Ranger yelled.

"If it's anyone's fault, it's you Future Rangers' fault. I warned you to leave, but you had to be drama queens and pick a fight you couldn’t win." I said to them.

“This fight isn’t over!” The Pink Time Force Ranger yelled.

“Everyone, follow my lead!” The Red Time Force Ranger yelled.

The Time Force Power Rangers ran to the balcony, and they jumped out of the castle. Goldar and I walked over to the balcony and saw the Time Force Rangers were running away. “They’re escaping!” Goldar yelled.

“I don’t think that’s what they have in mind.” I told Goldar.

The Time Force Rangers stopped running. “Circuit! We need the Zords!” The Blue Time Force Ranger yelled.

Sitting on a giant rock was the blue mechanical owl, Circuit. “There on their way.” Circuit said.

Soon a portal opened up in the sky, and coming out of it were the Time Flyers. The Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink Time Force Rangers each jumped inside their Zord. The Time Flyers were heading straight towards the Moon Palace.

“Lord Zedd! Those Future Power Rangers have Zords too!” Goldar yelled.

“I can see that.” I spoke.

“Let’s attack the castle with everything we got!” The Red Time Force Ranger yelled to his teammates on a com-link.

“Right!” The rest of the Time Force Rangers yelled together.

The Time Flyers were firing lasers down at the Moon Palace, causing explosions to go off all over the castle. With the Moon Palace shaking, the Zeo Rangers were doing their best to stay on their feet, while Finster, Squatt, and Baboo were running around in fear.

“Master! What do we do?!” Goldar yelled.

“You’re going to go out there and fight them.” I told the golden alien.

“So, you’re going to make me into a giant?” Goldar asked.

“I have something else in mind.” I spoke.

I used the Z-Staff to fire a bolt of lightning onto the surface of the Moon. Soon appearing in front of the Moon Palace was a familiar looking Zord.

“Cyclopsis!” Goldar yelled in shock of seeing his old Zord.

“Show these Future Power Rangers the might of a classic Zord.”  I said to Goldar.

“Yes, my lord.” Goldar said, before he teleported away from the castle, and was now inside the cockpit of Cyclopsis.

Meanwhile, the Time Force Power Rangers were shocked upon seeing the war machine. “That’s Cyclopsis!” The Green Time Force Ranger yelled.

“But how?! That thing was destroyed by the Original Power Rangers!” The Yellow Time Force Ranger yelled.

"Doesn't matter. If the Original Power Rangers can beat this thing, so can we." The Pink Time Force Ranger said.

“Let’s combine the Zords into the Time Force Megazord!” The Red Time Force Ranger exclaimed.

“Yeah!” The rest of the future warriors yelled together.


So, here is the next part to my arc.

I will post videos of Cyclopsis and the Time Force Megazord under the Callisto Post.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win here?


Another fun entry, Venom. From what I recall, Time Force's Megazord was really OP. I appreciate the clip, made me nostalgic. I think Cyclopsis puts up a good fight, but loses.

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I like the Cyclopsis zord. Goldar's zord I believe. It was quite powerful and I think it got destroyed simply because the Power Rangers couldn't loose.

I'd put Time Fore Megazord above the Original Megazord though so I'll go on and say the Time Force Megazord wins.

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